- hospitalism
- [ʹhɒspıt(ə)lız(ə)m] n мед.
госпитализм; вредное влияние обстановки больницы, приюта, детского дома и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hospitalism — (or anaclitic depression in its sublethal form) was a pediatric diagnosis used in the 1930s to describe infants who wasted away while in hospital. The symptoms could include retarded physical development, and disruption of perceptual motor skills … Wikipedia
Hospitalism — Hos pi*tal*ism, n. (Med.) A vitiated condition of the body, due to long confinement in a hospital, or the morbid condition of the atmosphere of a hospital. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hospitalism — hospitalísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 12.03.2009. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
hospitalism — /hos pi tl iz euhm/, n. 1. hospital conditions having an adverse effect on patients. 2. the adverse mental and physical effects caused by such conditions. 3. the physiological and psychological consequences of living in a hospital, nursing home,… … Universalium
hospitalism — noun maternal deprivation of infants who are in long term institutional care … Wiktionary
hospitalism — hos·pi·tal·ism häs (.)pit əl iz əm n 1 a) the factors and influences that adversely affect the health of hospitalized persons b) the effect of such factors on mental or physical health 2) the deleterious physical and mental effects on infants and … Medical dictionary
hospitalism — n. depression caused by a stay in the hospital … English contemporary dictionary
hospitalism — noun the adverse effects of a prolonged stay in hospital … English new terms dictionary
hospitalism — hos·pi·tal·ism … English syllables
hospitalism — /ˈhɒspətəlɪzəm/ (say hospuhtuhlizuhm) noun the gradual decline in the health of people who remain in hospital for a long period of time. {hospital + ism; coined by René Spitz, Viennese born psychoanalyst, 1887–1974, in his study of… …
hospitalism — n. the adverse effects of a prolonged stay in hospital … Useful english dictionary