- horses neck
horse's neck
1> "лошадиная шея" (коктейль)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Neck rein — Neck reining a horse to the right by putting pressure on the left side of the neck. A neck rein is a type of indirect rein aid. The horse responds to a neck rein when it has learned that a light pressure of the right rein against its neck on that … Wikipedia
neck and neck — {adj. or adv.}, {informal} Equal or nearly equal in a race or contest; abreast; tied. * /At the end of the race the two horses were neck and neck./ * /For months John and Harry seemed to be neck and neck in Alice s favor./ Compare: NIP AND TUCK … Dictionary of American idioms
neck and neck — {adj. or adv.}, {informal} Equal or nearly equal in a race or contest; abreast; tied. * /At the end of the race the two horses were neck and neck./ * /For months John and Harry seemed to be neck and neck in Alice s favor./ Compare: NIP AND TUCK … Dictionary of American idioms
Horses in the Middle Ages — This 15th century depiction of Charlemagne and Pope Adrian I shows a well bred medieval horse … Wikipedia
neck and neck — I adjective inconclusive as to outcome; close or just even in a race or comparison or competition as they approached the finish line they were neck and neck the election was a nip and tuck affair • Syn: ↑head to head, ↑nip and tuck • Similar to:… … Useful english dictionary
neck — {{11}}neck (n.) O.E. hnecca neck, nape, back of the neck (a fairly rare word) from P.Gmc. *khnekkon the nape of the neck (Cf. O.Fris. hnekka, M.Du. necke, Du. nek, O.N. hnakkr, O.H.G. hnach, Ger. Nacken neck ), with no certain cognates outside… … Etymology dictionary
neck\ and\ neck — adj. or adv informal Equal or nearly equal in a race or contest; abreast; tied. At the end of the race the two horses were neck and neck. For months John and Harry seemed to be neck and neck in Alice s favor. Compare: nip and tuck … Словарь американских идиом
neck and neck — mod. almost even. (See also nip and tuck.) □ The horses were neck and neck at the finish line. □ They ran neck and neck for the entire race … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
neck and neck — inf idi just even or very close: two horses crossing the finish line neck and neck[/ex] … From formal English to slang
Selected breeds of light horses — ▪ Table Selected breeds of light horses name origin height (hands)* aptitude characteristics comments Akhal Teke Turkmenistan 14.2–16 riding, racing long neck carried almost perpendicular to body; long, slender legs; metallic, golden dun colour… … Universalium
Kaimanawa horses — are a population of feral horses in New Zealand that are descended from domestic horses released in the 19th and 20th centuries. They are known for their hardiness and quiet temperament.HistoryThe Kaimanawa breed descended from domestic horses… … Wikipedia