- antioxidant
- [͵æntıʹɒksıd(ə)nt] n хим.
1. антиокислитель, ингибитор2. противостаритель
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
antioxidant — ANTIOXIDÁNT, antioxidanţi, s.m. Substanţă care împiedică sau întârzie acţiunea de oxidare; antioxigen. [pr.: ti o – pl. şi: (n.) antioxidante] – Din fr. antioxydant. Trimis de ana zecheru, 25.02.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 ANTIOXIDÁNT s. (chim.)… … Dicționar Român
antioxidant — 1920 (n.); 1932 (adj.), from ANTI (Cf. anti ) + OXIDANT (Cf. oxidant) … Etymology dictionary
antioxidant — ► NOUN ▪ a substance that counteracts oxidation … English terms dictionary
antioxidant — [an΄tī äks′i dənt, an΄tēäks′i dənt] n. a substance that slows down the oxidation of hydrocarbons, oils, fats, etc. and thus helps to check deterioration: antioxidants are added to many products, esp. foods and soaps adj. serving to check… … English World dictionary
Antioxidant — Model of the antioxidant metabolite glutathione. The yellow sphere is the redox active sulfur atom that provides antioxidant activity, while the red, blue, white, and dark grey spheres represent oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon atoms,… … Wikipedia
antioxidant — UK [ˌæntɪˈɒksɪd(ə)nt] / US [ˌæntaɪˈɑksɪdənt] / US [ˌæntɪˈɑksɪdənt] noun [countable] Word forms antioxidant : singular antioxidant plural antioxidants 1) chemistry a substance that prevents oxygen from combining with other substances and damaging… … English dictionary
Antioxidant — antioksidantas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Gamtinė ar sintetinė medžiaga, lėtinanti arba stabdanti oksidaciją. atitikmenys: angl. antioxidant vok. Antioxidant, n rus. антиокислитель, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
antioxidant — antioksidantas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Gamtinė ar sintetinė medžiaga, lėtinanti arba stabdanti oksidaciją. atitikmenys: angl. antioxidant vok. Antioxidant, n rus. антиокислитель, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
antioxidant — noun Date: 1926 a substance (as beta carotene or vitamin C) that inhibits oxidation or reactions promoted by oxygen, peroxides, or free radicals • antioxidant adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
antioxidant — /an tee ok si deuhnt, an tuy /, n. 1. Chem. any substance that inhibits oxidation, as a substance that inhibits oxidative deterioration of gasoline, rubbers, plastics, soaps, etc. 2. Biochem. an enzyme or other organic substance, as vitamin E or… … Universalium
Antioxidant — Any substance that reduces oxidative damage (damage due to oxygen) such as that caused by free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that attack molecules by capturing electrons and thus modifying chemical structures. Well known… … Medical dictionary