- horsedealer
1> торговец лошадьми; лошадиный барышник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hans Kohlhase — (c. 1500 – 1540) was a German historical figure about whose personality some controversy exists. He was a merchant, and not, as some have supposed, a horsedealer, and he lived at Cölln in Brandenburg. In October 1532, as the story runs, whilst… … Wikipedia
Mary Knep — (died 1681), also Knepp, Nepp, Knip, or Knipp, was an English actress, one of the first generation of female performers to appear on the public stage during the Restoration era.[1] Primarily a singer and dancer, Mrs. Knep developed into a first… … Wikipedia
horsetrader — noun a) A person who buys and sells horses, especially one who makes such transactions in a clever or skillful manner. The three subordinates on whom President Roosevelt depends to win his Senate victories are Majority Leader Joseph T. Robinson… … Wiktionary