- horse trade
- [ʹhɔ:streıd]
1. торговля лошадьми2. выгодный обмен3. амер. разг. политическая сделка, хитроумная политическая игра
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
horse trade — ☆ horse trade n. 1. an exchange of horses 2. any bargaining session marked by shrewd calculation by each side horse trade vi. horse traded, horse trading horse trader n … English World dictionary
horse trade — horse′ trade n. 1) a shrewdly conducted exchange, as of favors or objects, usu. involving close bargaining 2) an exchanging or trading of horses • Etymology: 1840–50, amer. horse′ trade , v.i. trad•ed, trad•ing. horse′ trad er, n … From formal English to slang
horse-trade — v. i. & t. to negotiate with much give and take. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
horse-trade — verb negotiate with much give and take • Derivationally related forms: ↑horse trading • Hypernyms: ↑negociate • Verb Frames: Somebody s Sam and Sue horse trade Sam wants to horse t … Useful english dictionary
horse trade — noun the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining) • Syn: ↑horse trading • Hypernyms: ↑barter, ↑swap, ↑swop, ↑trade * * * noun 1. : a swap of horses usually accompanied by … Useful english dictionary
horse trade — {n.} 1. The sale of a horse or the exchange of two horses. * /It was a horse trade in which the owner of the worse animal gave a rifle to make the trade equal./ 2. {informal} A business agreement or bargain arrived at after hard and skillful… … Dictionary of American idioms
horse trade — {n.} 1. The sale of a horse or the exchange of two horses. * /It was a horse trade in which the owner of the worse animal gave a rifle to make the trade equal./ 2. {informal} A business agreement or bargain arrived at after hard and skillful… … Dictionary of American idioms
horse\ trade — noun 1. the sale of a horse or the exchange of two horses. It was a horse trade in which the owner of the worse animal gave a rifle to make the trade equal. 2. informal A business agreement or bargain arrived at after hard and skillful discussion … Словарь американских идиом
horse trade — noun Date: 1846 negotiation accompanied by shrewd bargaining and reciprocal concessions < a political horse trade > • horse trade intransitive verb • horse trader noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
horse-trade — intransitive verb see horse trade … New Collegiate Dictionary
Horse Trade Theater Group — was founded in 1998 in New York City s East Village. The three theaters in the group are The Kraine Theater, The Red Room, and UNDER St. Marks. These three theaters are the artistic homes to the many Off Off Broadway Artists involved with Horse… … Wikipedia