- antinomy
- [ænʹtınəmı] n
1. юр. противоречие между двумя законами; противоречие в законе2. филос. антиномия, противоречие; парадокс
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Antinomy — An*tin o*my (?; 277), n.; pl. {Antinomies}. [L. antinomia, Gr. ?; ? against + ? law.] 1. Opposition of one law or rule to another law or rule. [1913 Webster] Different commentators have deduced from it the very opposite doctrines. In some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
antinomy — index inconsistency, opposition, paradox Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 antinomy … Law dictionary
antinomy — (n.) 1590s, contradiction in the laws, from L. antinomia, from Gk. antinomia ambiguity in the law, from anti against (see ANTI (Cf. anti )) + nomos law (see NUMISMATICS (Cf. numismatics)). As a term in logic, from 1802 (Kant) … Etymology dictionary
antinomy — *paradox, anomaly Analogous words: opposite, contradictory, contrary, antithesis (see under OPPOSITE adj): contradiction, denial (see corresponding verbs at DENY): conflict, variance, *discord … New Dictionary of Synonyms
antinomy — ► NOUN (pl. antinomies) ▪ a paradox … English terms dictionary
antinomy — [an tin′ə mē] n. pl. antinomies [L antinomia < Gr antinomia: see ANTI & NOMY] 1. the opposition of one law, regulation, etc. to another 2. a contradiction or inconsistency between two apparently reasonable principles or laws, or between… … English World dictionary
Antinomy — Antinomia redirects here. For the brachiopod genus, see Antinomia (brachiopod).Antinomy (Greek αντι , against, plus νομος, law) literally means the mutual incompatibility, real or apparent, of two laws. It is a term used in logic and epistemology … Wikipedia
antinomy — A paradox . In Kant s first Critique the antinomies of pure reason show that contradictory conclusions about the world as a whole can be drawn with equal propriety. Each antinomy has a thesis and a contradictory antithesis. The first antinomy has … Philosophy dictionary
antinomy — noun (plural mies) Etymology: German Antinomie, from Latin antinomia conflict of laws, from Greek, from anti + nomos law more at nimble Date: 1592 1. a contradiction between two apparently equally valid principles or between inferences cor … New Collegiate Dictionary
antinomy — antinomic /an ti nom ik/, antinomical, adj. /an tin euh mee/, n., pl. antinomies. 1. opposition between one law, principle, rule, etc., and another. 2. Philos. a contradiction between two statements, both apparently obtained by correct reasoning … Universalium
antinomy — noun /ænˈtɪnəmi/ An apparent contradiction between valid conclusions; a paradox Syn: paradox … Wiktionary