- horned
- [hɔ:nd] a
1. 1) рогатый
horned cow - рогатая корова
2) с рогами, с рожкамиhorned moon - двурогий месяц, полумесяц, лунный серп
2. спец. ороговевший (о коже)♢
horned syllogism - дилемма
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
horned cow - рогатая корова
horned moon - двурогий месяц, полумесяц, лунный серп
horned syllogism - дилеммаНовый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Horned — Horned, a. Furnished with a horn or horns; furnished with a hornlike process or appendage; as, horned cattle; having some part shaped like a horn. [1913 Webster] The horned moon with one bright star Within the nether tip. Coleridge. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
horned — [ho:nd US ho:rnd] adj [only before noun] having horns or something that looks like horns ▪ horned cattle ▪ a horned toad … Dictionary of contemporary English
horned — horned; horned·ness; un·horned; … English syllables
horned — [ hɔrnd, hɔrnəd ] adjective 1. ) with horns: a horned animal 2. ) shaped like a horn … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
horned — [hôrnd] adj. 1. having a horn or horns: often in hyphenated compounds [two horned] 2. having a hornlike projection 3. Archaic cuckolded … English World dictionary
horned — hornedness /hawr nid nis/, n. /hawrnd/, adj. 1. having horns (often used in combination): a horned beast; blunt horned. 2. having or wearing a horn shaped protuberance, ornament, or the like: the horned crags. 3. having a crescent shaped part or… … Universalium
horned — [[t]hɔ͟ː(r)nd[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Horned animals have horns, or parts of their bodies that look like horns. ...horned cattle. ...the call of a horned lark … English dictionary
horned — adj. having a horn. Phrases and idioms: horned owl an owl, Bubo virginianus, with hornlike feathers over the ears. horned toad 1 an American lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum, covered with spiny scales. 2 any SE Asian toad of the family Pelobatidae,… … Useful english dictionary
horned — adjective Having, or containing horns. A goat is an example of a horned animal. Syn: cornigerous … Wiktionary
horned — adj. Horned is used with these nouns: ↑helmet … Collocations dictionary
horned — Synonyms and related words: Cynthian, S shaped, acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, barbed, bicorn, corniform, cornuted, crescent, crescent shaped, crescentic, crescentiform, crescentlike, cusped,… … Moby Thesaurus