- horn blower
- [ʹhɔ:n͵bləʋə]
1) горнист2) рожечник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
blower — early 12c. (originally of horn blowers), from O.E. blawere, agent noun from BLOW (Cf. blow) (v.1). Of mechanical devices from 1795 … Etymology dictionary
horn — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. antler, cornu, callus, nail; saddle horn, pummel, pommel; blower, tooter, tin horn, ram s horn, shofar, French horn, trumpet, etc. (see music); horn of plenty, cornucopia; powder horn. See hardness,… … English dictionary for students
Blower — This unusual surname is a patronymic of Blower, which is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is from an occupational name for someone who operated a bellows, either as a blacksmith s assistant or to provide wind for a church organ, or for someone who blew … Surnames reference
horn — 1. noun /hɔːn,hɔɹn/ a) A hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals. an umbrella with a handle made of horn b) The hard substance from which animals horns are made, sometimes used by man as a material for… … Wiktionary
Cornu (horn) — Cornicen on Trajan s column. Historical reenacto … Wikipedia
on the blower — british informal phrase talking on the telephone Janet was on the blower for over an hour last night. Thesaurus: using a telephonehyponym Main entry: blower * * * on the blower Brit informal + … Useful english dictionary
Orneblow — This interesting name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is an occupational name for a horn blower, derived from the Old English pre 7th Century hornblawere , made up of the elements horn , a horn, and blawere , blower. In the Middle Ages workmen were … Surnames reference
MV Keppel — in James Watt Dock Career … Wikipedia
phone — 1. noun she tried to reach you on your phone Syn: telephone, cell phone, cell, car phone, cordless phone, speakerphone; extension; informal blower, horn 2. verb I ll phone you later Syn: telephone, call, give someone a call; informal call up,… … Thesaurus of popular words
MAḤZOR — (Heb. מַחֲזוֹר, maḥazor; cycle ), festival prayer book. The word is similar to the term Maḥzarta of the Syrian Church, which means a breviary, and was originally applied to the poetical insertions to be recited in prayers throughout the yearly… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Corn — This appears to be an early Huguenot name deriving from the Olde French corne itself coming from the late Latin corna meaning horn and originally given as a metonymic occupational name to a worker in horn, or perhaps a horn blower. Horn was a… … Surnames reference