- hormonopoietic
- [͵hɔ:məʋnəpɔıʹetık] a физиол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hormonopoietic — SYN: hormonogenic. * * * hor·mo·no·poi·et·ic hȯr .mō nə pȯi et ik adj producing hormones <hormonopoietic glands> … Medical dictionary
hormonogenic — Pertaining to the formation of a hormone. SYN: hormonopoietic. * * * hor·mo·no·gen·ic (hor mo″no jenґik) pertaining to, characterized by, or stimulating hormonogenesis; called also hormonopoietic … Medical dictionary
hormonopoiesis — SYN: hormonogenesis. [hormone + G. poiesis, production] * * * hor·mo·no·poi·e·sis (hor mo″no poi eґsis) hormonogenesis. hormonopoietic adj … Medical dictionary