- horae
- [ʹhəʋri:] n pl греч. миф.
Оры, Горы (богини времён года)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Horae — Horae, 1) (Kirchenw.), s.u. Hora; 2) (Myth.), s. Horen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Horae — HORAE, arum, Gr. Ὥραι, ῶν, (⇒ Tab. X.) Jupiters und der Themis Töchter, und Gefährtinnen der Gratien, Pausan. Corinth. c. 17. p. 114. wie auch wohl der Parcen. Id. Att. p. 75. Sie hießen mit ihren besondern Namen Irene, Eunomia und Dice. Hesiod.… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Horae — [hō′rē΄, hôr′ē] pl.n. [L < Gr Hōrai] HOURS … English World dictionary
Horae — Dionysus leading the Horae (Neo Attic Roman relief, 1st century) Greek deities series Primordial deities Titans and … Wikipedia
HORAE — I. HORAE Calabriae urbs. Curopalates. II. HORAE Iovisac Themidis filiae. Hesiod. in Theogonia, Δεὐτερον ἠγάγετο λιπαρην` Θέμιν, ἣ τέκεν Ω῞ρας, Ε᾿υνομίην τε, Δίκην τε, καὶ Ε᾿ιρήνην τεθαλυῖαν, Α῞ιτ᾿ ἔργ᾿ ὡρεύουςι καταθνητοῖςι βροτοῖςι. Orpheus non… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Horae — /hawr ee, hohr ee/, n.pl. Class. Myth. goddesses of the seasons, of cyclical death and rebirth, and sometimes of social order, usually given as three in number, with the names Dike (Justice), Eunomia (Order), and Irene (Peace). [ < L Horae lit.,… … Universalium
Horae — Ho•rae [[t]ˈhɔr i, ˈhoʊr i[/t]] n. pl. myt the ancient Greek goddesses of the seasons • Etymology: < L Hōrae lit., hours … From formal English to slang
Horae — /hawr ee, hohr ee/, n.pl. Class. Myth. goddesses of the seasons, of cyclical death and rebirth, and sometimes of social order, usually given as three in number, with the names Dike (Justice), Eunomia (Order), and Irene (Peace). [ < L Horae lit … Useful english dictionary
Horae Apocalypticae — is an escatological study written by Edward Bishop Elliott. The work, as the book explains is, A commentary on the apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel illustrated by an apocalyptic… … Wikipedia
Horae Canonicae — is a series of poems by W. H. Auden written between 1949 and 1955. The title is a reference to the canonical hours of the Christian Church, as are the titles of the seven poems constituting the series: Prime , Terce , Sext , Nones , Vespers ,… … Wikipedia
Horae canonĭcae — (lat., »kanonische Stunden«, auch Horae regulares) heißen in der katholischen Kirche die Stunden des Tages, die zu den Gebeten der Geistlichen und Mönche bestimmt sind und in den Klöstern durch Geläute verkündigt wurden, weil der Beginn des… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon