
[ʹhəʋplıs] a
1. безнадёжный; безвыходный, безысходный; бесперспективный

hopeless struggle - безнадёжная борьба

hopeless illness - неизлечимая болезнь

hopeless grief - безысходное горе

hopeless cause - дело, обречённое на провал

hopeless situation /predicament/ - безвыходное положение

2. (обыкн. of, about, for) утративший всякую надежду, отчаявшийся

to be hopeless about /of/ smth. - безнадёжно смотреть на что-л.

to be hopeless for the future - безнадёжно смотреть на будущее

I am hopeless of effecting anything - я потерял надежду чего-л. добиться

3. неисправимый (о людях)

hopeless idiot - безнадёжный кретин

hopeless waster - неисправимый мот

you are hopeless! - ≅ тебя только могила исправит!

4. бессмысленный; бесполезный

it is hopeless appealing to him - обращаться к нему (совершенно) бесполезно

it is hopeless to try to talk her out of it - нечего и пытаться отговорить её от этого

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hopeless" в других словарях:

  • Hopeless — Records Aktive Jahre seit 1993 Sitz Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten Website http://www.hopelessrecords.com Genre(s) Punkrock …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hopeless — [hōp′lis] adj. 1. without hope [a hopeless prisoner] 2. allowing no hope; causing despair [a hopeless situation] 3. impossible to solve, cure, deal with, teach, etc. hopelessly adv. hopelessness n. SYN. HOPELESS means having no expectation of, or …   English World dictionary

  • Hopeless — Hope less, a. 1. Destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing. [1913 Webster] I am a woman, friendless, hopeless. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Giving no ground of hope; promising nothing desirable; desperate; as, a hopeless cause.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hopeless — index despondent, diabolic, disconsolate, futile, impossible, impracticable, incorrigible, inoperable ( …   Law dictionary

  • hopeless — 1560s, from HOPE (Cf. hope) + LESS (Cf. less). Related: Hopelessly; hopelessness …   Etymology dictionary

  • hopeless — despairing, *despondent, desperate, forlorn Analogous words: dejected, depressed, melancholy, sad (see corresponding nouns at SADNESS): gloomy, glum, morose (see SULLEN): acquiescent (see COMPLIANT) Antonyms: hopeful Contrasted words: optimistic …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • hopeless — [adj] futile, pessimistic bad, beyond recall, cynical, dejected, demoralized, despairing, desperate, despondent, disconsolate, discouraging, downhearted, fatal, forlorn, gone*, goner*, helpless, ill fated, impossible, impracticable, incurable, in …   New thesaurus

  • hopeless — ► ADJECTIVE 1) feeling or causing despair. 2) inadequate; incompetent. DERIVATIVES hopelessly adverb hopelessness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • hopeless — hope|less S3 [ˈhəupləs US ˈhoup ] adj 1.) if something that you try to do is hopeless, there is no possibility of it being successful ▪ We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was hopeless. ▪ Getting your work published often… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hopeless — adjective 1 a hopeless situation is so bad that there is no chance of success or improvement: be in a hopeless mess/state/condition: The economy is in a hopeless mess. 2 if something that you try to do is hopeless, there is no possibility of it… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • hopeless — [[t]ho͟ʊpləs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If you feel hopeless, you feel very unhappy because there seems to be no possibility of a better situation or success. He had not heard her cry before in this uncontrolled, hopeless way... The economic crisis makes …   English dictionary

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