- hookworm
- [ʹhʋkwɜ:m] n гельм.
анкилостома (Ancylostoma)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hookworm — ► NOUN ▪ a parasitic worm which inhabits the intestines and feeds by attaching itself with hook like mouthparts … English terms dictionary
hookworm — ☆ hookworm [hook′wʉrm΄ ] n. any of a superfamily (Ancylostomatoidea) of small, parasitic, intestinal nematode worms with hooks around the mouth: found esp. in tropical climates … English World dictionary
Hookworm — Taxobox name = Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale regnum = Animalia phylum = Nematoda classis = Secernentea ordo = Strongiloidae familia = Ancylostomatidae genus = Necator/Ancylostoma subdivision ranks = Species subdivision = Species N … Wikipedia
Hookworm — An intestinal parasite that usually causes diarrhea or cramps. Heavy infestation with hookworm can be serious for newborns, children, pregnant women, and persons who are malnourished. Hookworm infections occur mainly in tropical and subtropical… … Medical dictionary
hookworm — UK [ˈhʊkˌwɜː(r)m] / US [ˈhʊkˌwɜrm] noun Word forms hookworm : singular hookworm plural hookworms 1) [countable] a long thin creature that lives in the intestines of humans and other animals, and that can cause disease 2) [uncountable] the disease … English dictionary
hookworm — hookwormy, adj. /hook werrm /, n. 1. any of certain bloodsucking nematode worms, as Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus, parasitic in the intestine of humans and other animals. 2. Also called hookworm disease. a disease caused by… … Universalium
hookworm — n. either of two nematode worms, Necator americanus or Ancylostoma duodenale, which live as parasites in the human intestine. Both species, also known as the New and Old World hookworms respectively, are of great medical importance (see hookworm… … The new mediacal dictionary
hookworm — /ˈhʊkwɜm / (say hookwerm) noun 1. any of certain bloodsucking nematode worms, as Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus, parasitic in the intestine of humans and other animals. 2. → hookworm disease …
hookworm disease — ☆ hookworm disease n. a disease caused by hookworms, characterized by anemia, weakness, and abdominal pain: the larvae enter the body through the skin, usually of the bare feet; ancylostomiasis * * * also called ancylostomiasis , or… … Universalium
hookworm disease — n ANCYLOSTOMIASIS * * * a condition resulting from an infestation of the small intestine by hookworms. Hookworm larvae live in the soil and infect humans by penetrating the skin. The worms travel to the lungs in the bloodstream and from there… … Medical dictionary
hookworm disease — ☆ hookworm disease n. a disease caused by hookworms, characterized by anemia, weakness, and abdominal pain: the larvae enter the body through the skin, usually of the bare feet; ancylostomiasis … English World dictionary