- hoochinoo
- [ʹhu:tʃınu:] n
1. хучину (племя индейцев Аляски)2. индеец из племени хучину3. (hoochinoo) индейская водка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hoochinoo — ˈhüchəˌnü, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: from the Hoochinoo Indians, a Tlingit people of Alaska that made such liquor, from Tlingit Hutsnuwu, literally, grizzly bear fort : a distilled liquor made by Alaska Indians … Useful english dictionary
hoochinoo — /hooh cheuh nooh , hooh cheuh nooh /, n., pl. hoochinoos. a type of distilled liquor made by Alaskan Indians. Also, hootchinoo. [1875 80, Amer.; orig. the name of a Tlingit village on Admiralty Island, Alaska, reputed to be a source of illicit… … Universalium
hoochinoo — hoo·chi·noo … English syllables
List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas — This is a list of English language words borrowed from indigenous languages of the Americas, either directly or through intermediate European languages such as Spanish or French. † indicates a link to a definition of the word. It does not cover… … Wikipedia
hooch — I. noun Etymology: short for hoochinoo, a distilled liquor made by the Hoochinoo (Hutsnuwu) Indians, a Tlingit tribe Date: 1897 slang alcoholic liquor especially when inferior or illicitly made or obtained II. noun or hootch Etymology:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
hooch — hootch [hu:tʃ] n [U] especially AmE informal [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: hoochinoo alcoholic drink made by the Hoochinoo people of Alaska (19 20 centuries)] strong alcohol, especially alcohol that has been made illegally … Dictionary of contemporary English
hooch — ☆ hooch1 [ho͞och ] n. [contr. of Alaskan Ind hoochinoo, crude alcoholic liquor made by the Hoochinoo Indians (< Hutsnuwu, lit., grizzly bear fort)] Slang alcoholic liquor; esp., liquor that is of low quality or that is made or obtained… … English World dictionary
hooch — hooch1 /hoohch/, n. Slang. 1. alcoholic liquor. 2. liquor illicitly distilled and distributed. Also, hootch. [1895 1900; shortening of HOOCHINOO] hooch2 /hoohch/, n. Mil. Slang. 1. a thatched hut of southeast Asia. 2 … Universalium
hootchinoo — /hooh cheuh nooh , hooh cheuh nooh /, n., pl. hootchinoos. hoochinoo. * * * … Universalium
Nome Gold Rush — Prospectors on Nome beach ca. 1900. Center Nome, Alaska Discovery September, 1898, Anvil Creek Duration … Wikipedia
hooch — also hootch, cheap whiskey, 1897, shortened form of Hoochinoo (1877) liquor made by Alaskan Indians, from the name of a native tribe in Alaska whose distilled liquor was a favorite with miners in 1898 Klondike gold rush; the tribe s name is said… … Etymology dictionary