- honeydew
- [ʹhʌnıdju:] n
1. пчел. медвяная роса, падь; падевый мёд2. поэт. нектар3. спец. соусированный табак4. амер. белая мускатная дыня, зимняя дыня (тж. honeydew melon)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Honeydew — may refer to:* Honeydew (melon), a cultivar group of melon * Honeydew (secretion), a sugar rich sticky substance secreted by aphids and some scale insects * Honeydew, California, a town * Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, a fictional character from The Muppet … Wikipedia
Honeydew — Hon ey*dew , n. 1. A sweet, saccharine substance, found on the leaves of trees and other plants in small drops, like dew. Two substances have been called by this name; one exuded from the plants, and the other secreted by certain insects, esp.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
honeydew — (n.) sticky sweet substance found on trees and plants, 1570s, from honey (n.) + DEW (Cf. dew) (n.); honeydew melon first recorded 1916, a cross between cantaloupe and a South African melon … Etymology dictionary
honeydew — [hun′ē do͞o΄, hun′ē′dyo͞o΄] n. 1. a sweet fluid, as manna, exuded from various plants 2. a sweet substance excreted by aphids and other juice sucking homopteran plant insects, or secreted by certain fungi: often eaten by bees and ants ☆ 3. short… … English World dictionary
honeydew — ► NOUN ▪ a sweet, sticky substance excreted by aphids … English terms dictionary
honeydew — 1. noun a) A sweet sticky substance deposited on leaves by insects. b) A sweet sticky substance produced by the leaves of some plants. Syn: honeydew melon 2. adjective Of a light bluish green colour, like that of a honeydew melon … Wiktionary
honeydew — noun Date: 1577 1. a saccharine deposit secreted on the leaves of plants usually by aphids or scale insects or sometimes by a fungus 2. honeydew melon … New Collegiate Dictionary
honeydew — honeydewed, adj. /hun ee dooh , dyooh /, n. 1. See honeydew melon. 2. the sweet material that exudes from the leaves of certain plants in hot weather. 3. a sugary material secreted by aphids, leafhoppers, scale insects, psyllids, and other… … Universalium
honeydew — hon|ey|dew [ˈhʌnidju: US du:] n 1.) [U] a sticky substance that some insects leave on plants 2.) also honeydew melon a type of ↑melon with yellow skin and green flesh … Dictionary of contemporary English
honeydew — n. honeydew melon, type of winter melon; sugary substance on leaves secreted by aphids and other insects; sweet substance exuded by certain leaves … English contemporary dictionary
honeydew — noun 1》 a sweet, sticky substance excreted by aphids. 2》 literary an ideally sweet substance. 3》 (also honeydew melon) a melon of a variety with smooth pale skin and sweet green flesh … English new terms dictionary