Смотреть что такое "honeybag" в других словарях:
honeybag — Used by one Australian girl to another in a friendly way in Redback, by Howard Jacobson. The bee carries its honey in its honeybag, which is actually an enlargement of the alimentary canal … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
honeybag — /ˈhʌnibæg/ (say huneebag) noun → sugarbag (def. 2) …
List of Dartmoor tors and hills — This is a list of tors and hills on Dartmoor. Dartmoor is a National Park in South West England. *Arms Tor *Aish Tor Gbmappingsmall|SX702715 *Arch Tor *Bag Tor *Beardown Tor *Bel Tor Gbmappingsmall|SX696730 *Bell Tor Gbmappingsmall|SX730779… … Wikipedia
sugarbag — /ˈʃʊgəbæg/ (say shooguhbag) noun 1. Aboriginal English honey from a native bee, usually found in or protruding from a hollow tree. 2. Also, honeybag. Aboriginal English the hive or honeycomb of such a bee. 3. Colloquial someone who accepts bribes …