- homosphere
- [ʹhɒməsfıə] n метеор.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
homosphère — [ ɔmɔsfɛr ] n. f. • 1962; de homo et sphère ♦ Couche de l atmosphère, située entre le sol et une altitude de 100 km, où la composition de l air est constante. ● homosphère nom féminin Zone de l atmosphère d une planète, entre le sol et la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
homosphere — [hō′mō sfir΄] n. the lower of two divisions of the earth s atmosphere, extending to a height of c. 70 km ( c. 43 mi), characterized by a relatively constant composition of its component gases: cf. HETEROSPHERE * * * … Universalium
homosphere — [hō′mō sfir΄] n. the lower of two divisions of the earth s atmosphere, extending to a height of c. 70 km ( c. 43 mi), characterized by a relatively constant composition of its component gases: cf. HETEROSPHERE … English World dictionary
homosphere — The lower portion of a two part division of the atmosphere according to the general homogeneity of atmospheric composition. The other part is the heterosphere. The homosphere is the region in which there is no gross change in atmospheric… … Aviation dictionary
homosphere — noun The lower part of the atmosphere, up to about sixty miles, in which there is no great change in its composition. See Also: heterosphere … Wiktionary
homosphere — /ˈhoʊmoʊsfɪə/ (say hohmohsfear) noun the earth s atmosphere up to the altitude of about 80 km, consisting of the troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere, and characterised by proportions of the gaseous constituents remaining more or less uniform …
AÉRONOMIE — L’aéronomie a pour objet l’étude des régions atmosphériques où les phénomènes de dissociation et d’ionisation sont importants. Cette définition s’applique aussi bien à l’atmosphère terrestre qu’aux atmosphères planétaires. Le mot aéronomie fut… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Atmosphere of Earth — Air redirects here. For other uses, see Air (disambiguation). Qualities of air redirects here. It is not to be confused with Air quality … Wikipedia
ATMOSPHÈRE — Dérivé du grec 見精猪礼﨟 (vapeur) et 靖﨏見晴福見 (sphère), le mot «atmosphère» désigne l’enveloppe essentiellement gazeuse qui entoure le globe terrestre. D’autres corps célestes ont également une atmosphère. L’atmosphère est un fluide en mouvement. Les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
homosferă — HOMOSFÉRĂ s.f. (geogr.) Strat al atmosferei care se întinde de la suprafaţa pământului până la aproximativ 100 km înălţime, caracterizat prin omogenitatea componenţei sale. [var.: omosféră s.f.] – Din fr. homosphère. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007.… … Dicționar Român
Earth's atmosphere — ppmvThe composition figures above are by volume fraction (V%), which for ideal gases is equal to mole fraction (that is, the fraction of total molecules). Although the atmosphere is not an ideal gas, nonetheless the atmosphere behaves enough like … Wikipedia