- homorganic
- [͵hɒmɔ:ʹgænık] a лингв.
гоморганный (о звуках)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
homorganic — adjective a) Of consonants having the same place of articulation. For example, labial m, b, p, alveolar n, d, t, velar ŋ, g, k. The Indic alphabets such as Devanagari are rationally arranged so that homorganic consonants are grouped together. b)… … Wiktionary
homorganic — |hōm, |häm+ adjective Etymology: hom + organic : sharing one or more of the articulating vocal organs : articulated with the same basic closure or constriction but differentiated by one or more modifications p , b , and m are homorganic, contact… … Useful english dictionary
homorganic — См. omorgànico … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
homorganic — /hoh mawr gan ik, hom awr /, adj. Phonet. (of two or more speech sounds) having the same place of articulation, as p, b, and m, which are all bilabial. [1850 55; HOM(O) + ORGANIC] * * * … Universalium
homorganic — Produced by the same organs, or by homologous organs. * * * hom·or·gan·ic (hom″or ganґik) [homo + organic] produced by the same or by homologous organs … Medical dictionary
homorganic — adj. expressed by means of the same speech organs (Phonetics) … English contemporary dictionary
homorganic — [ˌhɒmɔ: ganɪk] adjective denoting sets of speech sounds produced using the same vocal organs, e.g. p, b, and m … English new terms dictionary
homorganic — hom·organic … English syllables
homorganic — /hɒmɔˈgænɪk/ (say homaw ganik) adjective Phonetics articulated at the same place, as /t/ and /d/ …
Hangul — For other uses, see Hangul (disambiguation). Hangul 한글 Type … Wikipedia
Devanagari — Nagari redirects here. For other uses, see Nagari (disambiguation). Devanāgarī Rigveda manuscript in Devanāgarī (early 19th century) Type abugida … Wikipedia