- homophile
- [ʹhɒməfaıl] n
1. гомофил; гомосексуалист; педераст; лесбиянка2. гомофил, защитник прав гомосексуалистов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
homophile — [ ɔmɔfil ] n. m. et adj. • v. 1970; de homo et phile ♦ Didact. Homme qui éprouve une affinité sexuelle pour les personnes de son sexe (REM. équivalent mélioratif de homosexuel), éventuellement sans pratiques homosexuelles (⇒ inverti). REM. Bien… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Homophile — Homophile: I.Homophile,der:⇨Homosexuelle(I) II.Homophile,die:⇨Homosexuelle(II) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
homophile — 1960, from HOMO (Cf. homo ) (2) + PHILE (Cf. phile). An attempt to coin a word for a homosexual person as part of a social group, rather than a sexual deviant … Etymology dictionary
homophile — [hō′mō fīl΄, hō′məfil΄] n., adj. [ HOMO + PHILE] HOMOSEXUAL … English World dictionary
Homophile — The word homophile is an alternative to the word for homosexual or gay. The homophile movement also refers to the gay rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. The term homophile is favoured by some because it emphasizes love ( phile from Greek… … Wikipedia
homophile — ho·mo·phile hō mə .fīl adj of, relating to, or concerned with homosexuals or homosexuality <homophile lifestyles> also being homosexual homophile n HOMOSEXUAL … Medical dictionary
homophile — /hoh meuh fuyl /, n. 1. a homosexual. adj. 2. advocating or supportive of the interests, civil rights, and welfare of homosexuals; gay: a homophile activist organization. [1955 60; HOMO + PHILE, on the model of HOMOSEXUAL] * * * … Universalium
homophile — adjective Etymology: hom + 2 phil Date: 1945 gay 4b … New Collegiate Dictionary
homophile — 1. adjective a) Homosexual, gay or lesbian, having a sexual or romantic preference for persons of ones own gender; . b) Of or pertaining to the “”, a gay activist movement that used this term in English. 2. noun A homosexual, a gay man or lesbian … Wiktionary
homophile — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to members of one s own sex: gay, homosexual, lesbian. See SEX … English dictionary for students
Homophile — Ho|mo|phi|le der u. die; n, n: svw. ↑Homosexuelle … Das große Fremdwörterbuch