- hominized
- [ʹhɒmınaızd] a
1. очеловеченный; превратившийся в человека2. переделанный, приспособленный человеком
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hominized — hom·i·nized … English syllables
hominized — ¦häməˌnīzd adjective Etymology: French hominisé, past participle of (s )hominiser : characterized by hominization … Useful english dictionary
Ham Seok-heon — Infobox Korean name hangul=함석헌 hanja=咸錫憲 mr=Ham Sŏkhŏn rr=Ham Seok heon Ham Seok heon (13 March 1901 4 February 1989) was a notable figure in the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker) movement in Korea, and was nicknamed the Gandhi of Korea. Ham… … Wikipedia
hominize — [häm′ə nīz΄] vt. hominized, hominizing 〚< L homo (gen. hominis): see HOMO1 & IZE〛 1. to alter (the … Universalium
hominize — [häm′ə nīz΄] vt. hominized, hominizing [< L homo (gen. hominis): see HOMO1 & IZE] 1. to alter (the earth, environment, etc.) to bring it into conformity with human nature or human needs 2. to further the evolutionary development of (humankind) … English World dictionary
hom|i|nize — «HOM uh nyz», transitive verb, nized, niz|ing. to make manlike: »hominized primates … Useful english dictionary