- homicidal
- [͵hɒmıʹsaıdl] a
1. 1) юр. относящийся к убийству2) мед. одержимый мыслью об убийстве (о душевнобольном)
homicidal mania - мания убийства
2. смертоносныйhomicidal weapon - смертоносное оружие
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
homicidal mania - мания убийства
homicidal weapon - смертоносное оружие
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Homicidal — Original film poster Directed by William Castle Produced by William Castle … Wikipedia
Homicidal — (Homicidal, the Story of a Psychotic Killer) est un film américain de William Castle, sorti en 1961 et produit par Columbia Pictures. Synopsis Dans la petite ville de Solvang, un tueur rôde. Une étrange maison pourrait détenir la clef de l énigme … Wikipédia en Français
Homicidal — Hom i*ci dal, a. Pertaining to homicide; tending to homicide; murderous; as, a homicidal maniac. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
homicidal — ho·mi·ci·dal /ˌhä mə sīd əl, ˌhō / adj: of, relating to, or tending toward homicide Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. homicidal … Law dictionary
homicidal — 1725, from HOMICIDE (Cf. homicide) + AL (Cf. al) (1). Related: Homicidally … Etymology dictionary
homicidal — [adj] murderous bloodthirsty, deadly, lethal, maniacal, slaughterous, violent; concepts 538,548,565 … New thesaurus
homicidal — [häm΄ə sīd′ l, hō΄məsīd′ l; häm′ə sīd΄ l, hō′məsīd΄ l] adj. 1. of, having the nature of, or characterized by homicide 2. having a tendency to homicide; murderous homicidally adv … English World dictionary
homicidal — [[t]hɒ̱mɪsa͟ɪd(ə)l[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Homicidal is used to describe someone who is dangerous because they are likely to kill someone. That man is a homicidal maniac. ...an explosion of homicidal rage … English dictionary
homicidal — adjective Of or pertaining to homicide, and particularly to one who commits such a crime as with a homicidal maniac … Wiktionary
homicidal — adj. Homicidal is used with these nouns: ↑maniac, ↑rage, ↑tendency … Collocations dictionary
homicidal — hom|i|cid|al [ˌhɔmıˈsaıdl US ˌha: ] adj likely to murder someone ▪ a homicidal maniac … Dictionary of contemporary English