- home economics
- [͵həʋmekəʹnɒmıks]
домоводство, искусство ведения домашнего хозяйства (учебный предмет)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
home economics — ► PLURAL NOUN (often treated as sing. ) ▪ the study of cookery and household management … English terms dictionary
home economics — ☆ home economics n. the science and art of homemaking, including nutrition, clothing, budgeting, and child care … English World dictionary
Home Economics — This article is about the broad field of Home Economics. For other, and specific, uses see Home Economics (disambiguation). Home Economics, [International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE): Position Statement in: International Journal of Home… … Wikipedia
home economics — N UNCOUNT Home economics is a school subject dealing with how to run a house well and efficiently … English dictionary
home economics — cooking and housekeeping The tuition needs a name which avoids sexual stereotyping: In Home Economics, which really means cooking and sewing, I ve learned how to install a zipper and make a flat fell seam. (Atwood, 1988) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Home Economics (disambiguation) — Home Economics may refer to: * Consumer Economics, a field of academic research involving economic analysis] * Home Economics, a subject taught in secondary schools * Home Economics (Junior Cert), a school course in the Republic of Irelandee… … Wikipedia
Home Economics Building — bezeichnet mehrere gleichnamige, im NRHP gelistete, Objekte: Home Economics Building (Kalifornien), ID Nr. 83003536 Home Economics Building (Kentucky), ID Nr. 79001036 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Home Economics (Junior Cert) — Home Economics is a subject taught in the Junior Certificate course in the Republic of Ireland. The course is similar to other Home Economics courses but with some differences. The subject is generally optional and many of its participants are… … Wikipedia
Home Economics College — is a special college for women in their study. It was established in 1961, and is located in Azimpur of Dhaka. It is adjacent with Eden Girl s college … Wikipedia
home economics — home economist. 1. the art and science of home management. 2. a college curriculum usually including studies in nutrition, the purchase, preparation, and service of food, interior design, clothing and textiles, child development, family… … Universalium
home economics — home′ econom′ics n. (used with a sing. v.) edu the study of nutrition, food, clothing, child development, family relationships, and household economics • Etymology: 1895–1900, amer. home′ econ′omist,n … From formal English to slang