- holocene
- [ʹhɒləsi:n] n геол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Holocene — Holocène ère Cénozoïque Néogène Holocène Pléistocène Pliocène Miocène … Wikipédia en Français
holocène — [ ɔlɔsɛn ] n. m. • 1931; de holo et cène ♦ Géol. Période la plus récente du quaternaire, succédant au pléistocène. Holocène ancien ou inférieur (⇒ mésolithique) , moyen (⇒ néolithique) . Holocène récent ou supérieur : âge des métaux. Adj. Période … Encyclopédie Universelle
Holocene — n. 1. The geological period comprising approximately the last 10,000 years. Syn: Holocene epoch, Recent epoch. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Holocene — [häl′ō sēn΄, hō′ləsēn΄] adj. [ HOLO + CENE] [sometimes h ] designating or of the second and current epoch of the Quaternary Period, characterized by a warm climate and the development of modern human culture designating or of the second and… … English World dictionary
Holocene — epoch that began 10,000 years ago and continues today, 1897, from Fr. holocène (1867), from Gk. holo , comb. form of holos whole (see SAFE (Cf. safe) (adj.)) + kainos new, recent (see RECENT (Cf. recent)) … Etymology dictionary
Holocene — ► ADJECTIVE Geology ▪ relating to or denoting the present epoch (from about 10,000 years ago, following the Pleistocene). ORIGIN French, from Greek kainos new … English terms dictionary
Holocene — The Holocene is a geological epoch which began approximately 10,000 years ago (about 8000 BC). According to traditional geological thinking, the Holocene continues to the present. The Holocene is part of the Neogene and Quaternary periods. Its… … Wikipedia
Holocène — ère Cénozoïque Néogène Holocène Pléistocène Pliocène Miocène … Wikipédia en Français
Holocene — /ˈhɒləsin / (say holuhseen) adjective 1. of, relating to, or formed in the second and most recent epoch of the Quaternary period, which began 10 000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene. –noun Also, the Recent, Recent Age. 2. the, the Holocene …
Holocene — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1897 of, relating to, or being the present or post Pleistocene geologic epoch see geologic time table • Holocene noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Holocene — 1. adjective Of a geologic epoch within the Neogene period from about 11,000 years ago to the present; the age of man. 2. noun The Holocene epoch … Wiktionary