
[ʹhɒləntaıd] n (сокр. от All-hallowtide) прост.
день всех святых

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hollantide" в других словарях:

  • hollantide — hol·lan·tide …   English syllables

  • hollantide — ˈhälən.ˌtīd noun Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: by shortening & alteration dialect England : allhallowtide …   Useful english dictionary

  • Yn Chruinnaght — is a cultural festival in the Isle of Man which celebrates Manx music, Manx language and culture, and links with other Celtic cultures. gv. Yn Chruinnaght The forerunner of Yn Chruinnaght was founded in 1924, and was known as Cruinnaght Vanninagh …   Wikipedia

  • Allantide — (Cornish Calan Gwaf or Nos Calan Gwaf) is a Cornish festival that was traditionally celebrated on 31 October elsewhere known as Hallowe en. The festival itself seems to have pre Christian origins similar to most celebrations on this date, however …   Wikipedia

  • Hop-tu-Naa — is a Celtic festival celebrated in the Isle of Man on 31 October. Predating Halloween, it is the celebration of the original New Year s Eve ( gl. Oie Houney ). The term is Manx Gaelic in origin, deriving from gl. Shogh ta’n Oie , meaning this is… …   Wikipedia

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