
1> _разг. налет; вооруженный грабеж; ограбление
2> налетчик; вооруженный грабитель
3> _разг. затор (движения); пробка; остановка, задержка
there was a hold-up in the construction of the bridge в
строительстве моста произошла задержка
4> _ам. вымогательство; обдираловка; грабеж средь бела дня
our house cost $5000 exclusive of plumber's hold-up дом
обошелся нам в 5000 долларов, не считая того, что содрал

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "holdup" в других словарях:

  • Holdup — Hold up (h[=o]ld [u^]p ), n. 1. a robbery, usually at gunpoint. [PJC] 2. a delay. What s the holdup? [PJC] 3. {highway robbery}[2]. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • holdup — hold·up n: an attempted or completed robbery carried out with the use of force and esp. at gunpoint Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. holdup …   Law dictionary

  • holdup — [n1] problem bottleneck*, delay, difficulty, gridlock*, hitch, obstruction, setback, snag, stoppage, traffic jam*, trouble, wait; concepts 192,674 Ant. aid, assistance, help holdup [n2] take goods illegally by force burglary, crime, mugging,… …   New thesaurus

  • holdup — ☆ holdup [hōld′up΄ ] n. 1. a stoppage; delay or hindrance 2. the act of stopping forcibly and robbing 3. Informal the act of overcharging 4. Chem. a) the amount of liquid retained or delayed during fractional distillation and certain types of… …   English World dictionary

  • holdup — {n.} 1. Robbery. * /John fell victim to a highway holdup./ 2. A delay, as on a crowded highway. * /Boy we re late! What s causing this holdup?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • holdup — {n.} 1. Robbery. * /John fell victim to a highway holdup./ 2. A delay, as on a crowded highway. * /Boy we re late! What s causing this holdup?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • holdup — noun 1. Robbery. John fell victim to a highway holdup. 2. A delay, as on a crowded highway. Boy we re late! What s causing this holdup? …   Словарь американских идиом

  • holdup — /hohld up /, n. 1. a forcible stopping and robbing of a person. 2. a stop or delay in the progress of something: There was a holdup in the construction of the bridge. 3. an instance of being charged excessively. [1830 40, Amer.; n. use of v.… …   Universalium

  • holdup — noun 1) I ran into a series of holdups Syn: delay, setback, hitch, snag, obstruction, difficulty, problem, trouble, stumbling block; informal tie up, logjam; traffic jam, gridlock, bottleneck, roadblock; snarl up, glitch …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Holdup (bridge) — Holdup is a play in contract bridge, whereby the declarer ducks one or more tricks to opponents, usually in notrump contracts, in order to cut their communications. The primary purpose of holdup is to give as many tricks to opponents as needed to …   Wikipedia

  • holdup suit — n. A lawsuit without a legal basis instituted to delay or obstruct some occurrence. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

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