hold over

hold over
[ʹhəʋldʹəʋvə] phr v
1. 1) откладывать; задерживать, медлить

to hold over a decision for a week - отложить решение на неделю

2) откладывать (в сторону, про запас); резервировать

hold over the rest of the goods - остальную часть товаров отложите /не продавайте/

2. 1) продлевать контракт (с кем-л.); оставлять (на посту)

they held the acrobats over for a second week - выступления акробатов продлили на вторую неделю

department heads who had been held over from the previous administration - руководители департаментов, сохранившие свои посты от предыдущей администрации

2) продолжать показывать (фильм или спектакль) дольше намеченного срока

the movie was held over for a week - фильм продержался на экране на неделю дольше, чем предполагалось

3) амер. переходить в следующий состав сената в связи с переизбранием или вследствие неокончания срока полномочий

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hold over" в других словарях:

  • hold over — vi: to remain in a position or condition one who holds over in possession of a building after the expiration of a term of years B. N. Cardozo hold·over n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • hold over — ► hold over 1) postpone. 2) use (information) to threaten. Main Entry: ↑hold …   English terms dictionary

  • hold-over — index adjournment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • hold over — verb 1. intimidate somebody (with a threat) (Freq. 2) She was holding it over him • Hypernyms: ↑intimidate • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody 2. hold over goods to be sold for the next season (Freq. 1) …   Useful english dictionary

  • hold over — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms hold over : present tense I/you/we/they hold over he/she/it holds over present participle holding over past tense held over past participle held over 1) hold something over someone to hold something above… …   English dictionary

  • hold over — 1. noun something left from an earlier time The QWERTY keyboard layout is a holdover from the days when manual typewriters jammed. 2. verb to save, delay We will have to hold over these files until tomorrow. See Also: ho …   Wiktionary

  • hold·over — /ˈhoʊldˌoʊvɚ/ noun, pl overs [count] US : someone or something that remains or is kept from an earlier time He is the only holdover from their last championship team. This policy is a holdover from the previous administration. see also hold over… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hold-over relief — England, Wales A capital gains tax deferral relief. The chargeable gain (chargeable gains) is not taxed when it arises, but instead is held over and added to the next gain which arises (if any). Hold over relief only applies to: • chargeable… …   Law dictionary

  • hold over — hold (something) over to delay something. I d like to hold the presentation over until next week. Several flights were held over because of the storm …   New idioms dictionary

  • hold over — hold (someone) over to prevent someone from leaving. The authorities held the couple over for two days. Harold Anderson and his accordion act have been held over until March 13th …   New idioms dictionary

  • hold over — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you hold something over someone, you use it in order to threaten them or make them do what you want. [V n P n] Did Laurie know something, and hold it over Felicity? 2) PHRASAL VERB If something is held over, it does not happen… …   English dictionary

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