
1. [hɔıst] n
1. подъём

to give smb. a hoist (up) - разг. подсадить кого-л.

give that sofa a hoist at your end - приподними диван со своей стороны

2. 1) тех. подъёмное устройство; подъёмник; лебёдка

mine hoist - шахтный подъёмник

mountain rope hoist - фуникулёр

service /plate/ hoist - кухонный подъёмник

hoist lift - грузоподъёмник

2) мор. тали

ammunition hoist - снарядный элеватор

3. мор. высота подъёма (чего-л.); высота паруса
4. мор.
1) флажный сигнал
2) кромка флага, примыкающая к фалам
3) ширина флага
5. сл.
1) магазинный вор
2) (the hoist) воровство в магазинах
2. [hɔıst] v
1. 1) поднимать (парус, флаг, груз; тж. hoist up)

to hoist the colours - мор. поднимать флаг

hoist together! - мор. поднять дружно!

2) разг. подсаживать; втаскивать (человека)

to hoist smb. on to his horse - подсадить кого-л. на лошадь

the man groaned as they hoisted him into the ambulance - человек застонал, когда его втаскивали в машину скорой помощи

to hoist oneself up a wall - взобраться /вскарабкаться/ на стену

2. сл. совершать магазинные кражи
II [hɔıst] past и p. p. от hoise

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hoist" в других словарях:

  • Hoist — may refer to: *Hoist (device), a machine for lifting loads *hoist controller, a machine for raising and lowering goods or personnel by means of a cable *Hydraulic hooklift hoist, another machine *Hoist (flag), the half of a flag nearer to the… …   Wikipedia

  • hoist — [hɔɪst] verb [transitive] to increase something quickly or suddenly: • The state is getting ready to hoist its sales tax next week. hoist noun [countable] : • High Street banks raised their lending rates by 2% following the Government s initial… …   Financial and business terms

  • hoist´er — hoist «hoyst», verb, noun. –v.t. to raise on high; lift up, often with ropes and pulleys: »to hoist a flag, to hoist sails, to hoist blocks of stone in building. –n. 1. the act of hoisting; lift; boost: »He gave me a hoist up the wall. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • hoist — ► VERB 1) raise by means of ropes and pulleys. 2) haul or lift up. ► NOUN 1) an act of hoisting. 2) an apparatus for hoisting. 3) the part of a flag nearest the staff. 4) a group of flags raised as a signal …   English terms dictionary

  • Hoist — Hoist, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hoisted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hoisting}.] [OE. hoise, hyse, OD. hyssen, D. hijshen; akin to LG. hissen, Dan. hisse, Sw. hissa.] To raise; to lift; to elevate; esp., to raise or lift to a desired elevation, by means of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hoist — (v.) 1540s, to raise, earlier hoise (c.1500), probably originally past tense of M.E. hysse (late 15c.), which is probably from M.Du. hyssen (Du. hijsen) to hoist, related to Low Ger. hissen and O.N. hissa upp raise. A nautical word found in most… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Hoist — Hoist, p. p. Hoisted. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] T is the sport to have the enginer Hoist with his own petar. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hoist — Hoist, n. 1. That by which anything is hoisted; the apparatus for lifting goods. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of hoisting; a lift. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 3. (Naut.) (a) The perpendicular height of a flag, as opposed to the fly, or horizontal… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hoist — hoist; hoist·er; hoist·man; …   English syllables

  • hoist — meaning ‘to raise or haul up’, has past and past participle forms hoisted. Historically hoist is a participial form of an earlier verb hoise (with the same meaning), and it survives in this form in the expression hoist with one s own petard,… …   Modern English usage

  • hoist — [hoist] vt. [< HOISE + unhistoric t (< ? the pp.)] to raise aloft; lift or pull up, esp. by means of a cable, pulley, crane, etc. n. 1. an act of hoisting 2. an apparatus for raising heavy things; elevator; tackle 3. Naut. a) the… …   English World dictionary

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