- historiographer
- [͵hıstɒrıʹɒgrəfə] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Historiographer — His*to ri*og ra*pher (h[i^]s*t[=o] r[i^]*[o^]g r[.a]*f[ e]r), n. [L. historiographus, Gr. istoriogra fos; istori a history + gra fein to write: cf. F. historiographe.] An historian; a writer of history; especially, one appointed or designated to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
historiographer — [his tôr΄ē äg′rə fər] n. [< OFr or LL: OFr historiographeur < LL historiographus < Gr historiographos < historia (see HISTORY) + graphein, to write (see GRAPHIC)] 1. a historian; esp., one appointed to write the history of some… … English World dictionary
historiographer — (i sto ri o gra fé) v. n. Terme de plaisanterie forgé par Voltaire. Remplir les fonctions d historiographe. • Votre historiographe n a pu vous faire sa cour comme il le désire ; il passe son temps à souffrir et à historiographer, VOLT. Lett.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
historiographer — historiography ► NOUN 1) the study of the writing of history and of written histories. 2) the writing of history. DERIVATIVES historiographer noun historiographic adjective historiographical adjective … English terms dictionary
Historiographer Royal — The Historiographer Royal is a member of the Royal household in Scotland. The office was created in 1681, and was in abeyance from 1709 until 1763 when it was revived for Principal William Robertson of Edinburgh University. The post now has no… … Wikipedia
historiographer — noun Etymology: Middle French historiographeur, from Late Latin historiographus, from Greek historiographos, from historia + graphein to write more at carve Date: 15th century historian … New Collegiate Dictionary
historiographer — historiographership, n. /hi stawr ee og reuh feuhr, stohr /, n. 1. a historian, esp. one appointed to write an official history of a group, period, or institution. 2. an official historian, as of a court, institution, or cultural or learned… … Universalium
historiographer — noun /hɪˌstɔriˈɑɡrəfər/ a scholar who studies historiography … Wiktionary
Historiographer — An official custodian and compiler of historical records pertaining to the Church, appointed by the General Convention. Several of the Dioceses have also their appointed Historiographers … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
historiographer — n. historian, one who writes a chronicle of historic events, writer of an official history (of a group, person, etc.)his·to·ri·og·ra·pher || ‚hɪstÉ”rɪ É‘grÉ™fÉ™(r) /‚hɪstÉ”Ërɪ É’g … English contemporary dictionary
historiographer — his·to·ri·og·ra·pher … English syllables