- histamine
- [ʹhıstəmın] n биохим.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Histamine — Général Nom IUPAC … Wikipédia en Français
histamine — [ istamin ] n. f. • 1919; de hist(o) et amine ♦ Biochim. Amine produite par décarboxylation enzymatique de l histidine, présente dans la plupart des tissus animaux. Rôle de l histamine dans les manifestations allergiques (choc anaphylactique,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
histamine — histamine. См. гистамин. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
histamine — 1913, AMINE (Cf. amine) produced by the decomposition of HISTIDINE (Cf. histidine) … Etymology dictionary
histamine — ► NOUN ▪ a compound which is released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing muscle contraction and capillary dilation. DERIVATIVES histaminic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek histos web, tissue and… … English terms dictionary
histamine — [his′tə mēn΄, his′təmin΄] n. [ HIST(IDINE) + AMINE] an amine, C5H9N3, produced by the decarboxylation of histidine and found in all organic matter: it is released by the tissues in allergic reactions, lowers the blood pressure by dilating blood… … English World dictionary
Histamine — Chembox new ImageFile=Histamin Histamine.svg ImageSize= ImageFile2=Histamine3d.png ImageSize2=200px IUPACName=2 (3H imidazol 4 yl)ethanamine OtherNames= Section1= Chembox Identifiers CASNo=51 45 6 PubChem=774 ChemSpiderID = 753… … Wikipedia
histamine — histaminic /his teuh min ik/, adj. /his teuh meen , min/, n. 1. Physiol. a histidine derived amine compound that is released mainly by damaged mast cells in allergic reactions, causing dilation and permeability of blood vessels and lowering blood … Universalium
Histamine — Substance that plays a major role in many allergic reactions. Histamine dilates blood vessels and makes the vessel walls abnormally permeable. * * * A vasodepressor amine derived from histidine by histidine decarboxylase and present in ergot and… … Medical dictionary
histamine — a biogenic amine which can develop in the flesh, particularly of Scombridae and Clupeidae, when these are left too long in the sun. It imparts a peppery taste and serves to warn of inedibility. Histidine in fish muscle is decarboxylated by… … Dictionary of ichthyology
histamine — n. a compound derived from the amino acid histidine. It is found in nearly all tissues of the body, associated mainly with the mast cells. Histamine has pronounced pharmacological activity, causing dilation of blood vessels and contraction of… … The new mediacal dictionary