
1. [hıʹspænık] n
1. испанец
2. латиноамериканец

the Hispanics - собир. латиноамериканцы

the Hispanics have taken over whole areas of the United States - выходцы из Латинской Америки заселили целые районы США

2. [hıʹspænık] a
1. испанский; испаноязычный, испаноговорящий
2. латиноамериканский

the US and its Hispanic neighbours - США и их соседи в Латинской Америке

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hispanic" в других словарях:

  • Hispanic — ( es. hispano, hispánico; pt. hispânico; la. Hispānus, adjective from Hispānia , the Roman name for the Iberian Peninsula) is a term that historically denoted relation to the ancient Hispania (geographically coinciding with the Iberian peninsula; …   Wikipedia

  • hispanic — HISPÁNIC, Ă, hispanici, ce, adj. (Rar) Spaniol. – Din fr. hispanique Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  HISPÁNIC adj. v. spaniol. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  hispánic adj. m …   Dicționar Român

  • Hispanic — His*pan ic, a. [L. Hispanicus.] Of or pertaining to Spain or its language; as, Hispanic words. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hispanic — pertaining to Spain (especially ancient Spain) 1580s, from L. Hispanicus, from Hispania Iberian Peninsula, from Hispanus Spaniard (see SPANIARD (Cf. Spaniard)). Specific application to Spanish speaking parts of the New World is 1889, Amer.Eng.;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Hispanic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to Spain or the Spanish speaking countries of Central and South America. ► NOUN ▪ a Spanish speaking person, especially one of Latin American descent, living in the US. DERIVATIVES Hispanicize (also Hispanicise) verb.… …   English terms dictionary

  • Hispanic — [hi span′ik] adj. [L Hispanicus] 1. Spanish or Spanish and Portuguese 2. of or relating to Hispanics n. a usually Spanish speaking person of Latin American birth or descent who lives in the U.S.: For the n. and adj. 2, Latino and Latina are now… …   English World dictionary

  • Hispanic — [[t]hɪspæ̱nɪk[/t]] Hispanics ADJ A Hispanic person is a citizen of the United States of America who originally came from Latin America, or whose family originally came from Latin America. ...a group of Hispanic doctors in Washington... The former …   English dictionary

  • Hispanic — Der Begriff Hispanic bezeichnet eine Ethnie in den USA. In diese Kategorie fällt jeder Bewohner der USA, der seine Herkunft von Lateinamerika oder der Iberischen Halbinsel in Europa herleitet. Der Begriff wurde in den 1970er Jahren von der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hispanic — Hi|span|ic1 [hıˈspænık] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: hispanicus, from Hispania Spain ] from or relating to countries where Spanish or Portuguese are spoken, especially ones in Latin America →↑Latino ▪ Miami s Hispanic community ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Hispanic — Hispanically, adv. /hi span ik/, adj. 1. Spanish. 2. Latin American: the United States and its Hispanic neighbors. n. 3. Also, Hispano. Also called Hispanic American. an American citizen or resident of Spanish or Latin American descent. [1575 85; …   Universalium

  • Hispanic — His|pa|nic 〈[hispæ̣nık] m. 6〉 Einwanderer aus Lateinamerika in die USA; Sy Latino [<engl. hispanic <span. hispánico „spanisch“] * * * 1His|pa|nic [hɪs pænɪk], der; [s], s [engl. Hispanic < lat. Hispanicus = hispanisch, zu: Hispania =… …   Universal-Lexikon

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