- hirple
- [ʹhɜ:p(ə)l] v шотл.
хромать, прихрамывать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hirple — verb /ˈhəːpəl/ to walk with a limp, to drag a limb, to walk lamely; to move with a gait somewhere between walking and crawling. Get you on that bicycle and hurry on, and Ill hirple after you the best I can … Wiktionary
hirple — I Scottish Vernacular Dictionary verb: To limp, walk with uneven gait. Example:Ma feet s fuckin killin me wi these new shoes! Ah wis hirplin aboot the dancin aw night! II Cleveland Dialect List to shrug or stick up the back; to be dull [and slow] … English dialects glossary
hirple — [ hə:p(ə)l] verb chiefly Scottish & N. English hobble. Origin C15: of unknown origin … English new terms dictionary
hirple — hir·ple … English syllables
hirple — I. ˈhirpəl intransitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: Middle English (Scots dialect) hirplen chiefly Scotland : to walk with a limp : hobble II. noun ( s) … Useful english dictionary
List of English words without rhymes — The following is a list of English words without rhymes, or refractory rhymes, i.e., a list of words in the English language which rhyme with no other English words in the strict sense that they are pronounced in the same way from the vowel sound … Wikipedia
коробить — короблю, ся: его коробит, его свело коробом, укр. коробитися – то же, чеш. krabiti делать неровным , sе покрываться бороздами . Вероятно, родственно нов. исл. hеrраsk судорожно съеживаться , hаrра щипать , др. сакс. hаrра орудие пытки , шв. hаrра … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
English words with uncommon properties — For the purposes of this article, any word which has appeared in a recognised general English dictionary published in the 20th century or later is considered a candidate. For interest, some archaic words, non standard words and proper names are… … Wikipedia
Iain Lom — was a Scottish Gaelic poet. He had more than one nickname however and was known to some as Iain Monntach which translates as stammering John. Iain Lom translates as bare John. BiographyIain Lom s family were the MacDonalds of Keppoch.The nickname … Wikipedia
List of QI episodes (A series) — infobox tvseason season name = QI Series A caption = The front cover of the QI Series A DVD, featuring Stephen Fry (right) and Alan Davies (left). dvd release date = 6 November 2006 country = UK network = BBC first aired = 11 September 2003 last… … Wikipedia
hurple — variant of hirple … Useful english dictionary