- hippocras
- [ʹhıpəkræs] n ист.
вино с пряностями, используемое как укрепляющее средство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hippocras — HIPPOCRAS. s. m. Espece de breuvage delicieux, composé pour l ordinaire de vin, de sucre, de canelle, d ambre &c. De bon hippocras. hippocras blanc. hippocras clairet. hippocras d eau. faire de l hippocras. boire de l hippocras. chausse à… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Hippocras — Hip po*cras, n. [F. hippocras, hypocras, NL. vinum hippocraticum, lit., wine of Hippocrates.] A cordial made of spiced wine, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hippocras — [ipɔkʀɑs] n. m. ⇒ Hypocras … Encyclopédie Universelle
hippocras — [hip′ə kras΄] n. [ME ypocras < OFr < Ypocras, Hippocrates, after ML vinum Hippocraticum, wine of Hippocrates: from being filtered through a strainer called “Hippocrates sleeve” (L manica Hippocratis)] a former cordial made of wine and… … English World dictionary
Hippocras — Der Hypocras, in anderen Schreibweisen auch hipocras, hippocrass, ypocrasse, ypocras, hypocras, hyppocras, ipocras oder ippocras, war ein mit Honig, später auch mit Zucker, stark gesüßter Gewürzwein, dem man im Mittelalter medizinische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hippocras — /hip euh kras /, n. an old medicinal cordial made of wine mixed with spices. [1325 75; ME ypocras, appar. short for ypocras wyn (trans. of ML vinum hippocraticum; so called because clarified by filtering through a strainer named after… … Universalium
hippocras — noun /ˈhɪpə(ʊ)kɹas/ A cordial made of spiced wine, etc. Spiced wine, sweetened with sugar or honey, perhaps the original of the modern liqueur, was employed occasionally under the name of hippocras … Wiktionary
hippocras — noun Etymology: Middle English ypocras, from Anglo French ipocras, from Ipocras Hippocrates, to whom its invention was ascribed Date: 14th century a mulled wine popular in medieval Europe … New Collegiate Dictionary
HIPPOCRAS — s. m. Voyez HYPOCRAS … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
hippocras — [ hɪpəkras] noun historical wine flavoured with spices. Origin ME: from OFr. ipocras Hippocrates (see Hippocratic oath), translating med. L. vinum Hippocraticum Hippocratic wine (because it was strained through a filter called a Hippocrates… … English new terms dictionary
hippocras — hip·po·cras … English syllables