- acarid
- [ʹækərıd] n (pl -dae) энт.
клещ (Acaridae gen.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
acarid — n. 1. very small free living arachnid that is parasitic on animals or plants; related to ticks. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
acarid — [ak′ə rid΄] n. [< Gr akari, mite < akarēs, tiny, lit., too short to cut < a , not + keirein, to cut, akin to SHEAR] any of a subclass (Acari) of small arachnids, including the ticks and mites, which are parasites and agricultural pests … English World dictionary
acarid — /ak euh rid/, n. 1. an acarine, esp. a mite of the family Acaridae. adj. 2. of or pertaining to an acarid. [1875 80; ACAR(US) + ID2] * * * ▪ arachnid Introduction any member of the subgroup of the arthropod class Arachnida that includes the … Universalium
acarid — noun Date: 1881 any of an order (Acari syn. Acarina) of arachnids including the mites and ticks • acarid adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
acarid — A general term for a member of the family Acaridae or for a mite. SYN: acaridan. [G. akari, mite] * * * ac·a·rid ak ə rəd n any of the order Acari of arachnids esp any of the family Acaridae of mites acarid … Medical dictionary
acarid — noun /ˈækərɪd/ Any parasitic arachnid, such as mites and ticks, of the order Acarina … Wiktionary
acàrid — a|cà|rid Mot Pla Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
acarid — n. acarine, arachnid from the family of mites and ticks, type of parasite … English contemporary dictionary
acarid — ac·a·rid … English syllables
acarid — n. a mite or tick … The new mediacal dictionary
acarid — ac•a•rid [[t]ˈæk ə rɪd[/t]] n. ivt any arachnid of the order Acarina, comprising the mites and ticks • Etymology: 1875–80; acar (us) + id II … From formal English to slang