
1. [ʹhılbılı] n амер. разг.
горец, бедняк (особ. из глухих горных районов южных штатов)
2. [ʹhılbılı] a амер. разг.

hillbilly songs [music] - народные песни [-ая музыка] (особ. глухих горных районов южных штатов)

hillbilly band - деревенский оркестр; оркестр народных инструментов (на которых играют в глухих горных районах южных штатов)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hillbilly" в других словарях:

  • Hillbilly — is a term referring to people who dwell in remote, rural, mountainous areas of the United States, primarily southern Appalachia and the Ozarks. Due to its strongly stereotypical connotations, the term is frequently considered derogatory, and so… …   Wikipedia

  • hillbilly — ☆ hillbilly [hil′bil΄ē ] n. pl. hillbillies [ HILL + Billy, dim. of BILL] Informal a person who lives in or comes from the mountains or backwoods of the South, specif. Appalachia: sometimes a contemptuous term adj. Informal of or characteristic… …   English World dictionary

  • hillbilly — southern Appalachian resident, by 1892, from HILL (Cf. hill) + masc. proper name Billy/Billie. Then again, I do not think It will do so well. I would hate to see some old railroad man come here and take my job, and then, I don t think It is right …   Etymology dictionary

  • hillbilly — [n] hayseed backwoodsman/woman, boor*, bumpkin, clodhopper*, country boy/girl, country bumpkin, country cousin*, hick*, rube, rustic, yokel; concept 413 …   New thesaurus

  • hillbilly — ► NOUN (pl. hillbillies) N. Amer. informal, chiefly derogatory ▪ an unsophisticated country person, originally one from the Appalachians. ORIGIN from HILL(Cf. ↑hill) + Billy (familiar form of the given name William) …   English terms dictionary

  • Hillbilly — Caricature du Hillbilly Hillbilly est un stéréotype sociologique appliqué originellement à certains habitants américains des Appalaches. Ce terme a toutefois été élargi pour désigner toute population ou tout citoyen fortement inculte et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hillbilly — Der Begriff Old Time Music bezeichnet die ursprüngliche Form der Country Musik von 1920 bis ungefähr 1939. Häufig wird auch der Ausdruck Hillbilly Music benutzt, mit dem jedoch unpräziser oft auch einfach Country Musik bis etwa 1950 gemeint ist.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hillbilly — La denominación hillbilly es un término de doble uso, como gentilicio y para designar la música tradicional de las zonas en que se asienta la población a la que se refiere. Contenido 1 Gentilicio 2 Música 2.1 Origen 2.2 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hillbilly — Hịll|bil|ly , der; s, s [engl. amerik. hillbilly, aus: hill = Hügel u. Billy = Kosef. von William = Wilhelm]: 1. (abwertend) Hinterwäldler [aus den Südstaaten der USA]. 2. Hillbillymusic. * * * Hillbilly   [amerikanisch, hɪlbɪlɪ], 1900 in den… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • hillbilly — UK [ˈhɪlˌbɪlɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms hillbilly : singular hillbilly plural hillbillies American offensive someone who lives in the countryside, especially someone who is not very well educated …   English dictionary

  • hillbilly — /hil bil ee/, n., pl. hillbillies, adj. n. 1. Often Disparaging and Offensive. a person from a backwoods or other remote area, esp. from the mountains of the southern U.S. adj. 2. of, like, or pertaining to hillbillies: hillbilly humor. [1895… …   Universalium

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