
[ʹhaıweı] n
1. 1) большая дорога; шоссе, автомагистраль, автострада

belt /encircling/ highway - кольцевая автодорога

King's highway - автомагистраль государственного значения (в Великобритании)

community highway - амер. дорога местного значения

P type highway - амер. дорога, на которой запрещено движение грузового транспорта

T type highway - амер. дорога, отведённая преимущественно для движения грузового транспорта

divided highway - двухполосная дорога с односторонним движением

highway engineering - дорожная техника; дорожное дело

highway regulation - регулирование движения на автомобильных дорогах

highway service - автомобильное сообщение

2) главный путь; торговый путь

the highway to India - ист. (торговый) путь в Индию

3) юр. дорога, тропа или судоходная река
2. прямой путь (к чему-л.); столбовая дорога

to be on the highway to success [to ruin] - быть на пути к успеху [к разорению]

3. св. шина (линия связи)

to take (to) the highway - выйти на большую дорогу, стать разбойником

highways and byways - а) дороги и тропинки; б) известные и малоизвестные места

he explored the highways arid byways of Germany - он изъездил Германию вдоль и поперёк

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "highway" в других словарях:

  • Highway (C.O.P.S.) — Highway is a cartoon character in the C.O.P.S. (Central Organization of Police Specialists) series from Hasbro which ran from 1988 1989. Character Profile Highway is the fastest of the C.O.P.S., a California highway patrol officer for the San… …   Wikipedia

  • Highway 11 — bezeichnet folgende Straßen: National Highway 11 (Kambodscha), Kambodscha National Highway 11 (Indien), Indien Road 11 (Iran), Iran Highway 11 (Irak), Irak Japan National Route 11, Japan Route 11 (Nagoya Expressway), Japan Highway 11 (Alberta),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • highway — index causeway Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 highway …   Law dictionary

  • Highway 95/93 — is a highway that runs for a short distance between Radium and Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. North of Radium, the 95 ends at the town of Golden at the Trans Canada Highway. In Radium, the 93 turns east and heads north east through Kootenay …   Wikipedia

  • Highway Hi-Fi — was a system of proprietary gramophone records and players designed for use in automobiles. Designed and developed by Peter Goldmark, who also developed the LP microgroove, the system appeared in Chrysler automobiles from 1956 to 1959 (1956 1958… …   Wikipedia

  • Highway 61 — may refer to: Music Highway 61 Revisited, 1965 album by Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited (song), the title track from the album Film Highway 61 (film), 1991 film by Bruce McDonald Highway 61 (soundtrack), the accompanying album soundtrack to Bruce… …   Wikipedia

  • highway — O.E. heahweg main road from one town to another; see HIGH (Cf. high) (adj.) in sense of main + WAY (Cf. way). High street (O.E. heahstræte) was the word before 17c. applied to highways and main roads, whether in the country or town, especially… …   Etymology dictionary

  • highway — highway; su·per·highway; …   English syllables

  • Highway — High way , n. A road or way open to the use of the public, especially a paved main road or thoroughfare between towns; in the latter sense it contrasts with {local street}; as, on the highways and byways. Syn: Way; road; path; course. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • highway — [n] heavily traveled, capacious road artery, avenue, boulevard, drag*, four lane*, freeway, interstate, parking lot*, parkway, path, pike*, roadway, skyway, street, superhighway, super slab*, thoroughfare, toll road, track, turnpike; concept 501 …   New thesaurus

  • highway — ► NOUN 1) chiefly N. Amer. a main road. 2) (chiefly in official use) a public road …   English terms dictionary

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