
1> высокий, пронзительный (о звуке)
2> напряженный, эмоциональный
high-pitched argument острые разногласия, горячий (жаркий)
3> высокий и крутой (о крыше)
4> возвышенный (о мыслях и т. п.)
high-pitched ambitions благородные замыслы (побуждения)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "highpitched" в других словарях:

  • David O'Reilly (artist) — David O Reilly (1985, Kilkenny, Ireland) is an Irish film director and artist based in Los Angeles, California, USA. He is known for creating animated short films with a stripped down aesthetic. Contents 1 Work 2 Octocat Adventure 3 Short films …   Wikipedia

  • Geordies —    ‘Geordies’ is a term used to describe the population of Tyneside, but is also a nickname for anyone from the region. The word itself is a pet name for ‘George’ and is said to have derived from George Stephenson’s safety lamp for miners. The… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • line-sharing device —    A small electronic mechanism that allows a fax machine and a telephone answering machine to share the same phone line. The device answers the call and listens for the characteristic highpitched fax carrier signal. If this signal is detected,… …   Dictionary of networking

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