
[ʹhaılı] adv
1. очень, весьма, чрезвычайно, сильно

a highly amusing film - очень занятный фильм

a highly gifted poet - весьма одарённый поэт

a highly original opinion - чрезвычайно оригинальное мнение

a highly coloured description - а) приукрашенное описание; б) очень яркое описание

a highly polished surface - хорошо отполированная поверхность

highly polished boots - до блеска начищенные ботинки

to favour highly - очень благоволить, относиться очень благосклонно

to commend [to value] highly - очень хвалить [ценить]

to season highly - сильно наперчить, густо посолить, остро приправить

to be highly pleased [displeased] - быть чрезвычайно довольным [недовольным]

to be highly dangerous - быть очень опасным

to feel oneself highly flattered - чувствовать себя весьма /крайне/ польщённым

he is a highly respectable /esteemed/ person - его все очень уважают

2. высоко

a highly placed official - чиновник, занимающий высокое положение

a highly paid worker - высокооплачиваемый рабочий

a highly developed culture [civilization, industry] - высокоразвитая культура [цивилизация, промышленность]

a highly descended person - лицо аристократического происхождения

he is highly connected - у него связи в высших сферах

3. благоприятно, благосклонно

to speak highly of smb. - хорошо /благосклонно/ отзываться о ком-л.; хвалить кого-л.

to think too highly of oneself - слишком высоко себя ставить, слишком много о себе думать; задаваться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "highly" в других словарях:

  • highly — UK US /ˈhaɪli/ adverb ► very, to a large degree, or at a high level: »The firm was highly profitable and had a strong balance sheet. » It is an able, young and highly motivated workforce. highly educated/qualified/skilled »Technical experts,… …   Financial and business terms

  • Highly — High ly, adv. In a high manner, or to a high degree; very much; as, highly esteemed. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • highly — O.E. healice nobly, gloriously, honorably; see HIGH (Cf. high) (adj.) + LY (Cf. ly) (1). Meaning very, very much, fully is mid 14c …   Etymology dictionary

  • highly — [adv] very, well awful, awfully, bloody*, but good*, decidedly, deeply, eminently, exceedingly, exceptionally, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, hugely, immensely, jolly, mighty, mucho*, notably, parlous, plenty, powerful, profoundly, real,… …   New thesaurus

  • highly — ► ADVERB 1) to a high degree or level. 2) favourably …   English terms dictionary

  • highly — [hī′lē] adv. 1. Rare in or to a high place 2. in a high office or rank 3. in or to a high degree; very much; very; extremely 4. with high approval or esteem; favorably 5. at a high level, wage, etc …   English World dictionary

  • highly — high|ly W2S2 [ˈhaıli] adv 1.) [+ adjective, adverb] very highly successful/effective/efficient ▪ a highly successful politician ▪ Tom s mother was highly critical of the school s approach. ▪ highly competitive industries ▪ a highly desirable… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • highly — high|ly [ haıli ] adverb *** 1. ) used before some adjectives to mean very or very well : Williams is a highly competitive player who hates losing. I think it s highly unlikely that the project will be finished on time. a highly motivated… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • highly */*/*/ — UK [ˈhaɪlɪ] / US adverb 1) used before some adjectives to mean very or very well Williams is a highly competitive player who hates losing. That now seems highly unlikely. a highly motivated salesman She s a highly educated young woman. highly… …   English dictionary

  • highly — [[t]ha͟ɪli[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV adj Highly is used before some adjectives to mean very . Mr Singh was a highly successful salesman... It seems highly unlikely that she ever existed. ...the highly controversial nuclear energy programme. Syn: very… …   English dictionary

  • highly — / haIli/ adverb 1 (+ adj, adv) very: highly successful | highly skilled 2 (+ adj, adv) to a high level or standard: She is a highly educated woman. | highly paid experts 3 highly placed in an important or powerful position: a highly placed… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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