Смотреть что такое "highbrowed" в других словарях:
highbrowed — highbrow highbrow highbrowed highbrowedadj. highly cultured or educated; pertaining to highly educated people; as, highbrow events such as the ballet or opera. [informal] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
highbrowed — adjective highly cultured or educated highbrow events such as the ballet or opera a highbrowed literary critic • Syn: ↑highbrow • Similar to: ↑intellectual • Derivationally related forms: ↑highbrow … Useful english dictionary
highbrowed — adjective see highbrow … New Collegiate Dictionary
highbrow — highbrowed highbrowedadj. highly cultured or educated; pertaining to highly educated people; as, highbrow events such as the ballet or opera. [informal] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
highbrow — noun Date: circa 1903 a person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture • highbrow adjective • highbrowed adjective • highbrowism noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
highbrow — highbrowism, n. /huy brow /, n. 1. a person of superior intellectual interests and tastes. 2. a person with intellectual or cultural pretensions; intellectual snob. 3. the crestfish. adj. 4. Also, highbrowed. of, pertaining to, or characteristic… … Universalium
longhaired — adjective a) Having long hair. My cat is a longhaired angora who sheds horribly. b) Artistic or intellectual (often disparaging). Your new boy friend is longhaired, highbrowed and penniless; very bohemian but not commercial … Wiktionary
cerebral — Synonyms and related words: accented, alveolar, apical, apico alveolar, apico dental, articulated, assimilated, back, barytone, bilabial, broad, cacuminal, central, checked, close, conceptive, conceptual, consonant, consonantal, continuant,… … Moby Thesaurus
elitist — Synonyms and related words: Brahmin, U, aristocratic, dictatorial, egghead, high and mighty, highbrow, highbrowed, hubristic, imperious, intellectual, intellectualistic, lordly, magisterial, mandarin, masterful, name dropper, prig, snob,… … Moby Thesaurus
highbrow — Synonyms and related words: Brahmin, aesthete, aesthetic, bookish, brain, brainworker, brainy, cerebral, connoisseur, cultivated, cultured, deep, doubles, egghead, elitist, erudite, genius, highbrowed, intellect, intellectual, intellectualist,… … Moby Thesaurus
intellectual — Synonyms and related words: Brahmin, academic, academician, affective, authority, bookish, brain, brainy, bright, cerebral, characteristic, conceptive, conceptual, constitutional, discursive, dispositional, doctor, egghead, elder, elder statesman … Moby Thesaurus