Смотреть что такое "hieratical" в других словарях:
hieratical — priestly; bound by religious convention Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
hieratical — a. See hieratic … New dictionary of synonyms
hieratical — hi·er·at·i·cal … English syllables
hieratical — adjective associated with the priesthood or priests priestly (or sacerdotal) vestments hieratic gestures • Syn: ↑priestly, ↑hieratic, ↑sacerdotal • Pertains to noun: ↑priesthood ( … Useful english dictionary
Manthos and Georgios Rizaris — Manthos Rizaris (Greek: Μάνθος Ριζάρης, 1764–1824) and Georgios Rizaris (Greek: Γεώργιος Ριζάρης, 1769–1842) were Greek benefactors, merchants and members of the organization Filiki Eteria.[1][2] Rizari brothers were born in the village of… … Wikipedia
hieratic — [ˌhʌɪə ratɪk] adjective 1》 of or concerning priests. 2》 of or in the ancient Egyptian writing of abridged hieroglyphics used by priests. Compare with demotic. 3》 of or concerning Egyptian or Greek styles of art adhering to early methods as laid… … English new terms dictionary
News Probe — News Probe[1] is a documentary television programme in China Central Television that has aired since 1996. It attempts to investigate various news, issues, and scandals, aiming to reveal the social problems and the insufficiencies of state… … Wikipedia
Zagori — (Greek Ζαγόρι, is a region in the Pindus mountains in Epirus, in northwestern Greece. It has an area of some 1,000 square kilometers contains 45 villages known as Zagoria or the Zagorohoria, and is in the shape of an upturned equilateral triangle … Wikipedia
hieratic — hieratically, adv. /huy euh rat ik, huy rat /, adj. 1. Also, hieratical. of or pertaining to priests or the priesthood; sacerdotal; priestly. 2. noting or pertaining to a form of ancient Egyptian writing consisting of abridged forms of… … Universalium
Rublyov, Saint Andrey — ▪ Russian painter born c. 1360–70 died c. 1430; canonized 1988; feast day January 29 one of the greatest medieval Russian painters, whose masterpiece is a magnificent icon of “The Old Testament Trinity,” now in the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow … Universalium
Duccio di Buoninsegna — • Painter, and founder of the Sienese School, b. about 1255 or 1260, place not known; d. 3 August, 1319 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Duccio di Buoninsegna Duccio di Buoninsegna … Catholic encyclopedia