- hezekiah
- [͵hezıʹkaıə] n
1) Хезекайа, Хезикайа (мужское имя)2) библ. Езекия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
HEZEKIAH — (Heb. חִזְקִיָּהוּ ,חִזְקִיָּה; YHWH is (my) strength, shortened form of יְחִזְקִיָּהוּ; in cuneiform transcription Ḫazaqiau, YHWH is strong ), son of Ahaz, king of Judah (II Kings 18–20; II Chron. 29–32). Hezekiah reigned for 29 years in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
HEZEKIAH — (early third century C.E.), Palestinian amora; at times referred to as Beribbi (Ḥul. 57a). He was the son of … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hezekiah — oder Hezqeyas (* vor 1789; † 13. September 1813 [1]) war vom 26. Juli 1789 bis Januar 1794 Negus Negest (Kaiser) von Äthiopien sowie ein Mitglied der Solomonischen Dynastie. Er war der Sohn von Iyasu III. Hezekiah rückte gemeinsam mit seinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
HEZEKIAH — (died c. 46 B.C.E.), fighter for freedom at the beginning of the period of Roman rule in Judea. Hezekiah, probably a supporter of the Hasmoneans, conducted a stubborn war against supporters of the Roman government. He was the leader of a band of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hezekiah — • King of Juda, son and successor of Achaz Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Hezekiah — masc. proper name, biblical, from Heb. Hizqiyya, lit. the Lord has strengthened, from hazaq he was strong, he strengthened + jah, short for YAHWEH (Cf. yahweh) … Etymology dictionary
Hezekiah — [hez΄i kī′ə] n. [Heb ḥizqīyāh, lit., God strengthens] Bible a king of Judah in the time of Isaiah: 2 Kings 18 20 … English World dictionary
Hezekiah — Infobox Monarch name = Hezekiah title = King of Judah reign = coronation = predecessor =Ahaz successor = Manasseh suc type = heir = consort = Hephzibah issue = Manasseh royal house = House of David royal anthem = father = mother = date of birth … Wikipedia
Hezekiah — /hez euh kuy euh/, n. a king of Judah of the 7th and 8th centuries B.C. II Kings 18. [ < Heb hizqiyyah lit., Yahweh strengthens] * * * flourished late 8th and early 7th centuries BC King of Judah at Jerusalem. The dates of his reign are uncertain … Universalium
Hezekiah — Whom Jehovah has strengthened. 1) Son of Ahaz (2 Kings 18:1; 2 Chr. 29:1), whom he succeeded on the throne of the kingdom of Judah. He reigned twenty nine years (B.C. 726 697). The history of this king is contained in 2 Kings 18:20, Isa. 36 … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Hezekiah — 1) (fl. 8th 7th cent BCE) Bang of Judah (715 687 BCE). Unlike his father Ahaz, he attempted to free Judah from Assyrian influence. He removed pagan images and altars from the Temple and renewed the religion of ancient Israel. These reforms… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography