- hexastich
- [ʹheksəstık] n стих.
строфа или стихотворение из шести строк
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hexastich — Hex a*stich, Hexastichon Hex*as ti*chon, n. [L. hexastichus of six rows, lines, or verses, Gr. ?; e x six + sti chos row, line, verse.] A poem consisting of six verses or lines. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hexastich — [hek′sə stik΄] n. [ModL hexastichon < Gr: see HEXA & STICH] a poem or stanza of six lines … English World dictionary
hexastich — hexastichic /hek seuh stik ik/, adj. /hek seuh stik /, n. Pros. a strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of six lines. Also, hexastichon. [1605 15; shortened form of HEXASTICHON] * * * … Universalium
hexastich — hex·a·stich … English syllables
hexastich — /ˈhɛksəstɪk/ (say heksuhstik) noun a strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of six lines or verses. Also, hexastichon /hɛksˈæstəkɒn/ (say heks astuhkon). {Greek hexastichos of six rows or lines} …
hexastich — n. poem or stanza of six lines. ♦ hexastichic, a. ♦ hexastichous, a. Botany, six ranked … Dictionary of difficult words
hexastich — … Useful english dictionary
Hexastichon — Hexastich Hex a*stich, Hexastichon Hex*as ti*chon, n. [L. hexastichus of six rows, lines, or verses, Gr. ?; e x six + sti chos row, line, verse.] A poem consisting of six verses or lines. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hexastichon — noun see hexastich * * * /hek sas ti kon /, n., pl. hexasticha / keuh/. hexastich. [1570 80; < Gk hexástichon, neut. of hexástichos of six lines. See HEXA , STICH1] … Useful english dictionary
hex|as|ti|chon — «hehk SAS tuh kon», noun, plural cha « kuh». = hexastich. (Cf. ↑hexastich) … Useful english dictionary
List of literary terms — The following is a list of literary terms; that is, those words used in discussion, classification, criticism, and analysis of literature.: See also: Glossary of poetry terms, Literary criticism, Literary theory CompactTOC8 name=Contents… … Wikipedia