- hew down
- [ʹhju:ʹdaʋn] phr v
to hew down trees - рубить лес
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to hew down trees - рубить лес
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hew down — Fell, cut down … New dictionary of synonyms
hew down a tree — cut down a tree … English contemporary dictionary
hew — Synonyms and related words: amputate, ax, bisect, block out, blow down, blow over, bowl down, bowl over, bring down, bulldog, butcher, carve, cast, cast down, chisel, chop, chop down, cleave, create, cut, cut away, cut down, cut in two, cut off,… … Moby Thesaurus
hew — Kua, kālai, kūpā, oki, kipikipi, ho owaha. ♦ To hew down a tree, hewer of wood, kua lā au. ♦ To hew boards or planks or a poi pounding board, kua papa. ♦ To hew a little at a time, kalakalai. ♦ To hew stone, kālai pōhaku … English-Hawaiian dictionary
hew — [c]/hju / (say hyooh) verb (hewed, hewed or hewn, hewing) –verb (t) 1. to strike forcibly with an axe, sword, or the like; chop; hack. 2. to make or shape with cutting blows: to hew a passage. 3. to cut (away, off, out, from, etc.) from a whole… …
down — Synonyms and related words: COD, Vandyke, actively, adown, ailing, air, alkali flat, all up with, alluvial plain, anthill, backset, bad, barrow, basin, beard, beat, beaten, beaver, bedfast, bedridden, below, below par, best, bested, blow down,… … Moby Thesaurus
Hew — (h[=u]), v. t. [imp. {Hewed} (h[=u]d); p. p. {Hewed} or {Hewn} (h[=u]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hewing}.] [AS. he[ a]wan; akin to D. houwen, OHG. houwan, G. hauen, Icel. h[ o]ggva, Sw. hugga, Dan. hugge, Lith. kova battle, Russ. kovate to hammer, forge … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hew — Hew, n. Destruction by cutting down. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Of whom he makes such havoc and such hew. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hew — [hyo͞o] vt. hewed, hewed or hewn, hewing [ME hewen < OE heawan, akin to Ger hauen, OHG houwan < IE base * kāu , * keu , to hew, strike > HAY1, L caudex, codex, cudere] 1. to chop or cut with an ax, knife, etc.; hack; gash 2. to make or… … English World dictionary
hew — hewable, adj. hewer, n. /hyooh/ or, often, /yooh/, v., hewed, hewed or hewn, hewing. v.t. 1. to strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument; chop; hack. 2. to make, shape, smooth, etc., with cutting blows: to hew a passage… … Universalium
hew — [[t]hyu[/t]] or, often, [[t]yu[/t]] v. hewed, hewed hewn, hew•ing 1) to strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument; chop 2) to make, shape, or smooth with or as if with cutting blows: to hew a statue from marble[/ex] 3) to… … From formal English to slang