- anticathode
- [ʹæntı͵kæθəʋd] n
антикатод (рентгеновской трубки)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
anticathode — [ ɑ̃tikatɔd ] n. f. • 1896; de 1. anti et cathode ♦ Phys. Petite lame de métal (tungstène, cuivre, molybdène), qui, placée à l intérieur d un tube électronique, reçoit les rayons cathodiques et émet des rayons X. ● anticathode nom féminin Cible,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Anticathode — An ti*cath ode, n. (Phys.) The part of a vacuum tube opposite the cathode. Upon it the cathode rays impinge. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anticathode — [an΄tikath′ōd΄] n. in an X ray tube, the piece opposite the cathode, serving as the target for the cathode s discharge … English World dictionary
anticathode — antikatodas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. anticathode; target vok. Antikatode, f rus. антикатод, m pranc. anticathode, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
anticathode — /an tee kath ohd, an tuy /, n. the positive plate of an x ray or other electron tube serving as the target for electrons coming from the cathode, which cause it to emit high frequency radiations. [1905 10; ANTI + CATHODE] * * * … Universalium
anticathode — noun a) The opposite of a cathode, an anode. b) The target at which electrons from the cathode in a CRT or x ray tube are directed … Wiktionary
anticathode — an·ti·cath·ode kath .ōd n TARGET (2a) … Medical dictionary
anticathode — n. positive electrode opposite the cathode in an electron tube … English contemporary dictionary
anticathode — an·ti·cath·ode … English syllables
anticathode — /æntiˈkæθoʊd/ (say antee kathohd) noun the plate, often of platinum, on which cathode rays impinge in an X ray tube, thus producing X rays …
anticathode — n. the target (or anode) of an X ray tube on which the electrons from the cathode impinge and from which X rays are emitted … Useful english dictionary