- heritable
- [ʹherıtəb(ə)l] a
1. наследственный, наследуемый
heritable disease - наследственная болезнь
heritable securities - шотл. юр. закладная
2. могущий наследовать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
heritable disease - наследственная болезнь
heritable securities - шотл. юр. закладная
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
heritable — her‧i‧ta‧ble [ˈhertəbl] adjective LAW heritable property can be passed from the older members of a family to the younger members when the older ones die: • tenants with no heritable interest in the buildings they occupy * * * heritable UK US… … Financial and business terms
Heritable — Her it*a*ble, a. [OF. h[ e]ritable. See {Heritage}, {Hereditable}.] 1. Capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance; inheritable. [1913 Webster] 2. Capable of inheriting or receiving by inheritance. [1913 Webster] This son shall be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
heritable — her·i·ta·ble / her ə tə bəl/ adj: inheritable Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. heritable … Law dictionary
heritable — early 15c., from O.Fr. héritable (c.1200), from hériter (see HERITAGE (Cf. heritage)). Related: Heritability … Etymology dictionary
heritable — [her′it ə bəl] adj. [ME heretable < OFr héritable: see HERITAGE] 1. that can be inherited 2. that can inherit heritability n … English World dictionary
héritable — ● héritable adjectif Qui est transmis selon les lois de l hérédité … Encyclopédie Universelle
heritable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to be inherited. DERIVATIVES heritability noun heritably adverb … English terms dictionary
heritable — adjective /ˈhɛrɪtəbəl/ able to be inherited, passed from parents to their children All hereditary government is in its nature tyranny. An heritable crown, or an heritable throne, or by what other fanciful name such things may be called, have no… … Wiktionary
heritable — her·i·ta·ble her ət ə bəl adj HEREDITARY <one of several heritable childhood cancers (W. K. Cavenee )(et al)> * * * her·i·ta·ble (herґĭ tə bəl) capable of being inherited, as a genetic trait … Medical dictionary
heritable — her|i|ta|ble [ˈherıtəbəl] adj law property that is heritable can be passed from the older members of a family to the younger ones … Dictionary of contemporary English
heritable — adjective law property that is heritable can be passed from the older members of a family to the younger ones; hereditary (2) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English