- herbal
- 1. [ʹhɜ:b(ə)l] n
1. уст., ист. травник (книга с описанием растений)2. уст. гербарий2. [ʹhɜ:b(ə)l] aтравяной
herbal medicines - галеновые средства /препараты/ (приготовленные на основе трав)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
herbal medicines - галеновые средства /препараты/ (приготовленные на основе трав)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
herbal — (del lat. «herba», hierba; Sal.) m. *Cereal. * * * herbal. (Del lat. herba, hierba). adj. Sal. cereal (ǁ dicho de plantas o gramíneas como el trigo, el centeno o la cebada, o de sus frutos). U. t. c. s … Enciclopedia Universal
herbal — adj. 2 g. Relativo a erva, em especial às ervas medicinais. ‣ Etimologia: inglês herbal, do latim herba, ae, erva … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Herbal — Herb al, a. Of or pertaining to herbs. Quarles. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Herbal — Herb al, n. 1. A book containing the names and descriptions of plants. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. A collection of specimens of plants, dried and preserved; a hortus siccus; an herbarium. Steele. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
herbal — (adj.) 1610s, from L. herbalis, from herba (see HERB (Cf. herb)) … Etymology dictionary
herbal — (Del lat. herba, hierba). adj. Sal. cereal (ǁ dicho de plantas o gramíneas como el trigo, el centeno o la cebada, o de sus frutos). U. t. c. s.) … Diccionario de la lengua española
herbal — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or made from herbs, especially those used in cooking and medicine. ► NOUN ▪ a book that describes herbs and their culinary and medicinal properties … English terms dictionary
herbal — [hʉr′bəl, ʉr′bəl] adj. [ML herbalis] of herbs n. a book about herbs or plants, esp. a book of early botanical writings concerned with their medicinal properties … English World dictionary
Herbal — A herbal is a book, often illustrated, that describes the appearance, medicinal properties, and other characteristics of plants used in herbal medicine. ee also*Herbal (Music Venue in Shoreditch, London) *Herbalism (herbal medicine) *Herbal… … Wikipedia
herbal — /err beuhl, herr /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or consisting of herbs. n. 2. a book about herbs or plants, usually describing their medicinal values. 3. a herbarium. [1510 20; < ML herbalis of, belonging to grass or herbs. See HERB, AL1] * * *… … Universalium
herbal — [[t]hɜ͟ː(r)b(ə)l, AM ɜ͟ː(r)b [/t]] herbals 1) ADJ: ADJ n Herbal means made from or using herbs. ...herbal teas. ...herbal remedies for colds. 2) N COUNT A herbal is a book which describes herbs or other plants, and their uses as medicines or in… … English dictionary