antiaircraft — [an΄tīer′kraft΄] adj. used for defense against hostile aircraft [an antiaircraft gun] … English World dictionary
antiaircraft — /an tee air kraft , krahft , an tuy /, adj. 1. designed for or used in defense against enemy aircraft. n. 2. artillery used against enemy aircraft. 3. a military organization operating and servicing antiaircraft artillery. 4. shellfire from… … Universalium
antiaircraft — 1. adjective Intended to attack aircraft. Syn: AA, double A, AAA, triple A, ack ack, air defence, air defense, anti air 2. noun a) Antiaircraft artillery … Wiktionary
antiaircraft — adjective (only before noun) antiaircraft weapons are used against enemy aircraft: antiaircraft missiles … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
antiaircraft — I. adjective Date: 1914 designed for or concerned with defense against air attack II. noun Date: 1926 antiaircraft guns or their fire … New Collegiate Dictionary
antiaircraft — I noun artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes • Syn: ↑antiaircraft gun, ↑flak, ↑flack, ↑pom pom, ↑ack ack, ↑ack ack gun • Hypernyms: ↑gun … Useful english dictionary
antiaircraft gun — Artillery piece fired from the ground or shipboard in defense against aerial attack. They were first used in combat in World War I, when field artillery were converted to antiaircraft use by mountings that enabled them to fire nearly vertically.… … Universalium
antiaircraft gun — noun artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes • Syn: ↑antiaircraft, ↑flak, ↑flack, ↑pom pom, ↑ack ack, ↑ack ack gun • Derivationally related forms: ↑antiaircraft ( … Useful english dictionary
antiaircraft missile — Missile Mis sile, n. [L. missile.] 1. A weapon thrown or projected or intended to be projected, as a lance, an arrow, or a bullet. [1913 Webster] 2. A rocket propelled device designed to fly through the air and deliver a warhead of explosive… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
antiaircraft fire control radar — priešlėktuvinių pabūklų valdymo radaras statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. antiaircraft fire control radar vok. Luftabwehrsteuerradar, n rus. радиолокационная станция управления зенитным орудием, f pranc. radar de conduite de… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Antiaircraft — US Soldaten beim Abschuss einer Stinger Rakete. Unter Flugabwehr (veraltet Luftabwehr) versteht man im Militär Bodentruppen, die vorrangig mit der Aufgabe betraut sind, einen zugewiesenen Luftraum gegen das Eindringen feindlicher Flugzeuge, unter … Deutsch Wikipedia