- heparin
- [ʹhepərın] n биохим.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Heparin — Systematic (IUPAC) name see Hep … Wikipedia
Heparin — Heparin, Polysaccharid, das die Blutgerinnung durch Hemmung der Umwandlung von Prothrombin in Thrombin und durch Hemmung der Thrombinwirkung verhindert. H. ist aus Glucosamin N Schwefelsäure und Schwefelsäureestern der Glucuronsäure und… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
heparin — substance found in the liver, lungs and other tissues, 1918, from from Gk. hepar liver (see HEPATITIS (Cf. hepatitis)) + IN (Cf. in) (2) … Etymology dictionary
heparin — hepàrīn m <G heparína> DEFINICIJA kem. tvar dobivena iz jetre, sprečava zgrušavanje krvi, važna u transfuziji i preventivi tromboze ETIMOLOGIJA grč. hȇpar: jetra + in … Hrvatski jezični portal
heparin — ☆ heparin [hep′ə rin ] n. [Gr hēpar, the liver (see HEPATIC) + IN1] a substance found in the liver, that slows the clotting of blood: its sodium salt, taken from animals, is used in surgery and medicine … English World dictionary
Heparin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Heparin Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
heparin — /hep euh rin/, n. 1. Biochem. a polysaccharide, occurring in various tissues, esp. the liver, and having anticoagulent properties. 2. Pharm. a commercial form of this substance, obtained from the liver and lungs of domesticated food animals, that … Universalium
Heparin — An anticoagulant (anti clotting) medication. Heparin is useful in preventing thromboembolic complications (clots that travel from their site of origin through the blood stream to clog up another vessel). Heparin is also used in the early… … Medical dictionary
Heparin — He|pa|rin 〈n.; s; unz.; Med.〉 aus der Leber gewonnener Stoff mit gerinnungshemmenden Eigenschaften [<grch. hepar „Leber“] * * * He|pa|rin [↑ hepar u. ↑ in (3)], das; s: aus tierischen Organen, haupts. aus Leber u. Darmschleimhaut isolierbare,… … Universal-Lexikon
heparin — n. an anticoagulant produced in liver cells, some white blood cells, and certain other sites, which acts by inhibiting the action of the enzyme thrombin in the final stage of blood coagulation. An extracted purified form of heparin is widely used … The new mediacal dictionary
heparin — Sulphated mucopolysaccharide, found in granules of mast cells, that inhibits the action of thrombin on fibrinogen by potentiating anti thrombins, thereby interfering with the blood clotting cascade. Platelet factor IV will neutralise heparin … Dictionary of molecular biology