- henpecked
- [ʹhenpekt] a разг.
(находящийся) под башмаком, под каблуком у жены; ≅ подкаблучник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
henpecked — If a woman constantly nags her husband or partner, then he is henpecked … The small dictionary of idiomes
henpecked — 1670s, an image from HEN (Cf. hen) + PECK (Cf. peck) (v.). The henpect Man rides behind his Wife, and lets her wear the Spurs and govern the Reins. [Samuel Butler] The verb henpeck (1680s) apparently is a back formation … Etymology dictionary
Henpecked — henpeck hen peck , hen peck hen peck , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Henpecked}; p. pr. & vb. {Henpecking}.] To bother persistently with trivial complaints; to subject to petty authority; said of a woman who thus treats her male companion, especially of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
henpecked — hen|pecked [ˈhenpekt] adj a man who is henpecked is always being told what to do by his wife, and is afraid to disagree with her ▪ a henpecked husband … Dictionary of contemporary English
henpecked — adjective a man who is henpecked is always being told what to do by his wife, and is afraid to disagree with her: a henpecked husband … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
henpecked — henpecking, n. /hen pekt /, adj. browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one s wife: a henpecked husband who never dared to contradict his wife. [1670 80; HEN + PECK + ED2] * * * … Universalium
henpecked — adjective Particularly of husbands, plagued or overwhelmed by a nagging or overbearing wife. The bar became a haven for henpecked husbands to go to commiserate … Wiktionary
henpecked — hen|pecked [ hen,pekt ] adjective criticized and given orders all the time by a wife or female partner: a henpecked husband … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
henpecked — adjective the prosecution characterized him as a henpecked husband who finally snapped Syn: browbeaten, downtrodden, bullied, dominated, subjugated, oppressed, intimidated; meek, timid, cringing, long suffering; informal under someone s thumb Ant … Thesaurus of popular words
henpecked — UK [ˈhenˌpekt] / US adjective criticized and given orders all the time by a wife or female partner a henpecked husband … English dictionary
Henpecked Hoboes — Курам на смех англ. Henpecked Hoboes Жанр анимационная комедия Режиссёр Тэкс Эвери Продюсер … Википедия