- hemlock spruce
- [ʹhemlɒkʹspru:s] = hemlock 2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hemlock spruce — Spruce Spruce (spr[udd]s), n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia, Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, {Spruce}, a.] 1. (Bot.) Any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hemlock spruce — noun see hemlock 2 * * * hemlock spruce, = hemlock (def. 3). (Cf. ↑hemlock) … Useful english dictionary
hemlock spruce — /hɛmlɒk ˈsprus/ (say hemlok sproohs) noun any of the trees of the coniferous genus Tsuga, especially a tree of eastern North America, T. canadensis, whose bark is used in tanning …
common hemlock-spruce — kanadinė cūga statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pušinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, medieninis, vaistinis augalas (Tsuga canadensis), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. Iš jo gaunamas eterinis aliejus. atitikmenys: lot. Abies canadensis var. gracilis;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Spruce — (spr[udd]s), n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia, Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, {Spruce}, a.] 1. (Bot.) Any coniferous tree of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spruce beer — Spruce Spruce (spr[udd]s), n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia, Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, {Spruce}, a.] 1. (Bot.) Any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spruce grouse — Spruce Spruce (spr[udd]s), n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia, Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, {Spruce}, a.] 1. (Bot.) Any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spruce leather — Spruce Spruce (spr[udd]s), n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia, Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, {Spruce}, a.] 1. (Bot.) Any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spruce partridge — Spruce Spruce (spr[udd]s), n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia, Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, {Spruce}, a.] 1. (Bot.) Any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hemlock — Hem lock, n. [OE. hemeluc, humloc, AS. hemlic, hymlic.] 1. (Bot.) The name of several poisonous umbelliferous herbs having finely cut leaves and small white flowers, as the {Cicuta maculata}, {Cicuta bulbifera}, and {Cicuta virosa}, and the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hemlock — /hem lok /, n. 1. a poisonous plant, Conium maculatum, of the parsley family, having purple spotted stems, finely divided leaves, and umbels of small white flowers, used medicinally as a powerful sedative. 2. a poisonous drink made from this… … Universalium