- hematal
- [ʹhi:|mət(ə)l,ʹhe{mət(ə)l}-] = haemal 1
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hematal — see hemal … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
hematal — /hee meuh tl, hem euh /, adj. hemal (def. 1). [HEMAT + AL1] * * * … Universalium
hematal — he·ma·tal (heґmə təl) hemic … Medical dictionary
hematal — he·ma·tal … English syllables
hematal — adjective relating to the blood vessels or blood • Syn: ↑hemal, ↑haemal, ↑haematal • Pertains to noun: ↑blood vessel (for: ↑haematal), ↑blood vessel, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
haematal — adjective relating to the blood vessels or blood • Syn: ↑hemal, ↑haemal, ↑hematal • Pertains to noun: ↑blood vessel, ↑blood vessel (for: ↑hematal), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
hemal — adjective relating to the blood vessels or blood • Syn: ↑haemal, ↑hematal, ↑haematal • Pertains to noun: ↑blood vessel (for: ↑haematal), ↑blood vessel ( … Useful english dictionary
hemal — /hee meuhl/, adj. 1. Also, hematal. of or pertaining to the blood or blood vessels. 2. Zool. noting, pertaining to, or on the side of the body ventral to the spinal axis, containing the heart and principal blood vessels. [1830 40; HEM + AL1] * *… … Universalium
hemic — SYN: hematic (1). * * * he·mic or chiefly Brit hae·mic hē mik adj of, relating to, or produced by the blood or the circulation of the blood <the hemic system> <a hemic murmur> * * * he·mic (heґmik) (hemґik) [Gr. haima blood]… … Medical dictionary
bloody — adj 1. bleeding, sanguinolent, Med. phleb otomical. 2. bloodstained, sanguinary, ensanguined, gory, blood soaked. 3. slaughterous, murderous, homicidal; feral, brutal, cruel. See bloodthirsty . 4. hemal, hematal, hematic, sanguineous … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
hemal — [hē′məl] adj. [ HEM + AL] 1. having to do with the blood or blood vessels: also hematal 2. having to do with certain structures of the body near the heart and main blood vessels … English World dictionary