Смотреть что такое "hemanalysis" в других словарях:
hemanalysis — /hee meuh nal euh sis, hem euh /, n., pl. hemanalyses / seez /. Biochem. an analysis, esp. of the chemical constituents, of the blood. [HEM + ANALYSIS] * * * … Universalium
hemanalysis — Analysis of the blood; an examination of blood, especially with reference to chemical methods. [G. haima, blood, + analysis] * * * hem·a·nal·y·sis (he″mə nalґə sis) [hem + analysis] analysis or examination of the blood … Medical dictionary
hemanalysis — /hee meuh nal euh sis, hem euh /, n., pl. hemanalyses / seez /. Biochem. an analysis, esp. of the chemical constituents, of the blood. [HEM + ANALYSIS] … Useful english dictionary